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Woops! Looks like there on to me. I head back to the basement to gather my thoughts.

On my way there I spot Even who is physically interactive with Obvi. I flash a fake smile before flipping him off, because if Obvi is a jerk he sure is too.

I wondered if I could actually trust Obvi with the information she has. Its not like she killed Billy anyway, right?

"Zell?" John starts.

"I did not kill Billy but I think I know who did." I blurt out.

"Thanks retard, I asked." John sarcastically responded.

"What did you say to Billy this morning?"

"I told him to watch his back at all times, because no one is safe here."

"Why is that?"

"I printed the scripts this morning and my eyes began to wonder..." I trail off.


"Well on each script I came across a line that said kill Billy. So the killer is definitely amongst us. That much I do know. In addition to that, I'm not sure who wrote the script." I responded accurately.

"Am I like, considered a suspect now?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Duh! You know information that is very relevant to Billy's case."

At this point, I needed a brain to help me analyze the situation.

"John, my script also said something else..." I trail off.

"What exactly is that?" John begins.

" 'Come find me'. And that was not part of the original story line for the script. This much I do know." I informed John.

"So, umm, let's go."

"Go where?"

"Find that person, even if it is someone we know and love dearly, they still need to be held accountable."

"It also provided a location." I say before starring into what I call "wonderland"

"ZELL!! Where is the place?!" John has now released his wrath.

"Oh yeah, my bad I forgot."

"Zell..." He trail off.

"Right, again I forgot. Anyways, it said the gym."

"Who the hell goes to the gym?"


"Obviously Dreon. Where is he now?" John asked me.

"Last time I checked, the gym " I reply.

We begin to move expeditiously to the gym when we hear a scream for help.

"Omg that's Obvi!!" I cry out.

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