"You were chanting something, when you were in the trance," Mark confirmed, his heart beginning to race in his chest. "It sounded like a prophecy."

"That's because it was one," Adhara's voice sounded faraway, her eyes were haunted. "What I said...it's an extension of the Great Prophecy. Or rather, another version of it."

The temperature in the room seemed to drop twenty degrees. When Mark released a breath, he was surprised to see that it didn't fog up. "But the Great Prophecy...we haven't had it come true in years."

Dale was shaking her head slowly. "It should have been complete after the General's forces were defeated. 'Accept thy darkness, accept thy name.'"

Adhara gripped the arms of her chair. "After that day, things changed. I sensed them, I knew they changed. Each of you had accepted the darkness in your hearts, and you were forced to live with them. Only it affected some people more than they had anticipated."

Mark and Dale met each other's gaze, mutual understanding passing between them. Tessa. Reese.

"From then on, the narrative changed. Aether rose, and I infiltrated his forces to see how the shift would spread. The Great Prophecy changed, only I think it will come to pass much sooner than we anticipate." Adhara looked up, frightened. "There is more going on with this war than both camps realize. If we don't grasp it in time..."

Adhara didn't need to finish her sentence for Mark to understand what would happen. Images of his visions came to the forefront of his mind. He fought the glimpses of bloodied bodies and stormy skies away, watching as Adhara got to her feet.

"I need to find answers. I can't be sure that what I said was the true prophecy until I do some digging." She said, starting for the door.

Mark cut off her path. "I don't think so. You were unconscious, Adhara. There's a war coming. You can't just fling yourself into the abyss in search for answers."

"I never needed your permission, Mark, and that doesn't change now," Adhara snapped. "I need to do this. It could change the war."

"It could kill you. What if you have another episode?"

"Mark's right, Adhara," Dale got to her feet, ever the voice of reason. "This isn't the first time you've had an episode."

Adhara turned her head to face Dale, violet eyes vindictive. "What're you talking about?"

"In Aether's mansion," Dale spoke, and Mark snapped his attention to his best friend. Much like his own time in the Regiment, Dale hardly spoke of her time as Aether's hostage. She hadn't been hurt or brainwashed, as Mark had been, but she'd still seen gruesome things. And Adhara had been at her side during it all. "When we found Typhon. You knew exactly what this would mean."

"Well, that's all the more reason why I need to figure this out for myself," Adhara said briskly. "I have my sources. I need to meet with them."

"Adhara," Mark pleaded, his voice low.

Adhara stared into his eyes, as if waiting for Mark to back down. But Mark's resolve was stronger than most people gave him credit for.

Adhara sighed. "Give me 48 hours. I'll be back by then. And please," She fixed Mark with a look. "You can't tell anyone until I get back. I need to be sure."

Mark wanted to say no. He wanted to make sure that Adhara and the rest of those he cared about stayed safe, but safe was not something that demigods were used to being. A war was on the horizon, and if Mark didn't let Adhara go, they could all be dead by its beginning.

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