Chapter 15 - First mission

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"Correct me if I am mistaken, but do you hug all of you friends like that?" He said, his face full off irritation.

"That is none of your business Daniel." I said, getting angrier every minute.

"I don't understand what do you see in him." He said with a jeering smile on his face.

"He is kind and good. If you'd try to get to know him a little better, you would see that for yourself." I glared at Daniel.

"Kind." He mocked but finally turned away from me. I let out a relieved breath as he finally left me alone, joining the conversation with Kellan and Traxx.

"Korina?" Said Traxx suddenly, looking at me in the review mirror. "I am truly sorry about before, that I hurt you." He looked really bothered.

I gripped the seat before me, leaning forward "It's fine, I understand why you did it, but next time just talk it out with her. All right?"

"You know?" He said, his eyes widened in horror.

"I think everybody knows." Kellan laughed in the front seat.

"Except her, she is clueless." I added, beaming.

"She is." Traxx gripped the steering wheel tightly, his features pained.

"You need to show that you care about her Traxx, from the bottom of your heart. How can she take you seriously when she always sees you with someone else?" I reasoned with him, trying to make him see my point.

"I just wanted to provoke a reaction from her. Those girls mean nothing to me." He said honestly.

"So show her!" I said, smiling.

"Why would you waste your life on one girl?" Said Daniel, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Um, I don't know? Maybe because she is your other half and you love her?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Love." He spat "Brings nothing but a pain." He looked out of the window and I studied him quietly. What did he know about love?

I was still awake when we drove by Bern's city lights who shone brightly at night, but after that, the car's tranquil humming noise lulled me to sleep. I opened my eyes as we entered Zug, a small city near the municipality of Baar, and I admired the beautiful Zugersee lake, shining at night. After that we turned north-west, leaving the city behind. We entered the less populated area, surrounded by thick woods.

"The cave system should be nearby." Daniel said, looking at his comm. As we drove another fifteen minutes, Traxx finally turned off the main road into a narrower one. We parked the car on the side of the road since it was the middle of the night and we were positive that no one would be bothered by it.

We each carried a backpack with basic climbing gear, flashlight, water and essential nutrition. I had my daggers tucked in my sturdy boots and in the pockets of my jacket. As I didn't feel bothered by the cold like I used to be, I didn't need warmer clothes.

After a short hike, we found a barely visible entrance of the cave system. Daniel threw a rock into an opening in the ground, listening for how long it will take for it to reach the bottom. "It is very deep. We will need to climb."

He anchored a climbing rope on a solid rock nearby and we slowly rappelled one by one, down to the bottom. I had a horrible claustrophobic feeling as we descended, my heart thundering in relief as my feet finally touched the ground.

I grabbed the flashlight out of my backpack, illuminating the flowstones on the left. On my right were stalactites hanging from the ceiling of the cave, crystal water drops falling from their tips. As we looked around, we realized that we were standing in a large chamber, with a breathtaking clear blue water poll on the side. There were narrow passages leading further in the cave and by the anchored rope, we assumed this was the way the tourists went.

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