Chapter 9

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~Tsagaru POV~

It's been a few weeks sense Jasper woke up. Kairi disappeared which I'm glad about.

The hunters didn't come back and I'm grateful because now I don't have to worry about Jasper.

I sighed softly and snuggled close to Jasper as we laid on his bed.

"The hunters won't come back right?" I asked timidly afraid of losing my mate.

"I hope not but if they hurt you I'll kill every last one!" He snarled and his eyes flashed dangerously. That scared me.

He's been more protective sense the accident and it's getting scary. He even snarled at his dad for looking at me.

Kyler says it's probably because he's wolf feels unable to protect me. But he can protect me I know he can.

Why is he so scared?

I whimpered at his tight grip and he seemed to catch on.

"Stop being like this. You can protect me. You said yourself that if you weren't in the way.. I'd be dead right now please stop being so on edge!!" I said tearing up not wanting him to go mad like a rouge would.

"Tssey. Don't be scared of me please," Jaspy pleaded back at me worriedly.

"I'm scared of your wolf. You let it take over and it's hurting me.." I held back my weak sobs. I need to become stronger for Jasper but, how am I suppose to do that?

The pups started running around. Our pack only had about 4 now. Alec and Thalia's son, and some divided among the pack that I really didn't care for because the were jerks.

"Do you wanna go visit your dads' soon? You know they worry about you staying here," with that statement Jasper gave me an idea.

"We don't have to worry about hunters.. I call my dads' and ask if the pack can stay with theirs till the hunters get bored!!"

"Tssey that's too dangerous," Jasper ignored my idea and sighed shifting.

I don't like people seeing my human form. I'm weak either way but I feel more confident in my wolf form. I walked my claws hitting the hard wood floors. I saw Aidan and Raven happily training each other. I whimpered knowing I'd never be strong enough to let Jasper even consider doing that with me.

I plopped my furry butt on the large deck watching the mates fight. Aidan tried pinning Raven but Raven caught him first in a pin snapping at his neck. You know like it's snapping there but not actually biting into the neck?

Aidan used his hind legs and pushed Raven off with a load thud. I mentally laughed at the confused look Raven gave Aidan.

Someone started petting me and I yipped jumping off the deck. My small pup size didn't help me. I stood stance like wolves did before battle and snarled.

"Damn kid no need to go all rabid pup on me," Kyler groaned and went back into sitting position tilting my head.

I thought Kyler went back home with Remi. He seemed to know my thoughts "Zaid wants me to stay till the hunters clear out. Remi is here too just at on errands." I shook my head again mentally laughing at the flipping sound of my ears.

"Hey where's Jasper?" I heard Aidan worriedly say to Raven. "He's always with Tsagaru."

I turned to them with my tail between my legs. My head was down as I looked at the faded green grass.

"They must've gotten into a fight Aidan it's alright," thank goddess for Raven. He just saved my furry behind.

"Ok.." Aidan trailed off. Worry still think in his tone.

I yipped happily and chased my tail trying to show Aidan it would be better but he was still worried.

"Jasper's wolf is taking over much more then it should sense the accident. That's probably why they're in a fight," Kyler said as I stared at him shock. Did he over hear us fighting?

"Why? Jasper's wolf is very calm," Raven fought back protectively.

"You wolves are never calm when it comes to your mates," Kyler snorted.

I shook my head and went back in the house. I passed by a heated argument between Thalia and Alec but I ignored it sense they always fought and with Alec being hurt I wouldn't wanna make it worse for him.

As my claws clicked again on the hard wood im went back upstairs to sleep. I loved to sleep, it was always so comforting.

I still slept in a dog bed I've had sense birth. I slowly started to drift when my eyes shot open. My bunny!! Where's my bunny?! I started running around the house frantically looking for it.

That bunny is the most precious thing I own! I can't lose it!! I just can't!!

After spending hours looking for it to no avail. I started crying.

I lost it. I really lost it.


Author's Note:

Hey everyone! I updated!! Yay! I'm finally out of school so I hope to update more for ya'll. Thank you so much for 1,000 reads! Please tell me what you'd like to see because I'm losing the original plot. I wanted Tsagaru to think his bunny had the scent of his mate and finds a new one but that's kinda harsh,eh?

Please vote and comment!


Cam xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2014 ⏰

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