"I never said that" I reply, making sure my voice has calm in it.

"But you were implieing it!" He defends himself, while stomping his foot with his pointer finger facing downwards.

Why so cute kookie, you're killing me.

"But I never said it" I say it again.
He scoffed, "whatever" he sat down on the sofa, folding his arms and he kept that frown, and added a pout with it.

A pout.

A freaking pout.

No, no, no, no.

I gotta keep my cool.

Cannot give up.



Just think how he embarrassed you minutes ago.

To not look at the most adorable scenery I have ever seen in my freaking life, I turned on my heel and wanted to walk away but I couldn't.

Oh who am I kidding again, how can I leave my poor little kookie there pouting and hurt.

I hurry over to him, and jump on his lap and hugged him with all my might and strength.

But sadly he didn't hug me back and remained still.

I pouted and broke a one-sided hug, "Ya~, I was just joking, I just wanted to take revenge on you" I apologized while looking down at his firm chest.

He didn't reply, but I had more to say so I continued. "I really don't mind you took my first kiss, and you're really very special to me, I'm glad you were the one who took that from me" I said looking up at him.

He was still looking away from me, I got off his lap and sat beside him.

"And I actually wanted yo-" My sentence was cut off by the door bell ringing.

Great timing. (T^T)

I walked towards the door to see who the fuck cut my sentence.

When I flung the door open I saw Mia.

"Gurl, be ready cuz I'mma take you clubbing" She said doing her weird dance.

She looks really excited.

I wouldn't mind clubbing, but why couldn't she have came some minutes later.


"Ahh...okay" I said with a shrug.

"Tae is coming too by the way" She added, and I just replied with a nod.

I was so lost in the conversation with Mia, that I forgot Jungkook's presence.

"O Mia meet my friend Jung-" My sentence was cut off once again but by Jungkook.

"Im going" He said shortly not even bidding a good bye.

I really pissed him off.

"Who was that?" She asked looking at his back leaving.

"A friend" I replied shortly flopping down on the sofa rubbing my temples.

"Speaking of which, Tae is bringing a friend with him" She informed to which I reply with a nod again.

"Are you okay?" She asked coming closer looking at my face.
I feel so bad right now, but I don't want to ruin her mood just by saying no, she looks too excited.

"Im okay" I said nodding putting on a fake smile.

She gave me a thumbs up and took my forearm dragging me to my room

My Ice Cold Boss|| Jungkook ff [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon