Scene 8

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Meanwhile, in the Washington compound, Lord Washington, Lady Washington, and Count Alexander spoke in soft voices as they strolled through a torchlit corridor.

"My daughter weeps for her cousin. She is inconsolable." Washington sighed. "Look, it's very late. Y/N won't be coming down tonight."

Alexander nodded in agreement. "These times of grief are hard times for romance. I shall be departing soon."

"We'll tell her of our wishes for your marriage in the morning." Lady Washington informed him. "Y/N is an obedient girl, she'll do what she is told."

"Yes, Martha. Visit her tomorrow morning, and tell her our plans of a marriage on Thursday. Does that sound good to you, Alexander?" Washington asked.

Alexander smiled. "My lord, I wish Thursday was tomorrow."

"Well, go home. We'll see you on Thursday for the wedding." Washington decided.


Upstairs, in Y/N's bedroom, the mood wasn't quite as cheery. Eliza Schuyler held Y/N tightly in her arms, while Y/N sobbed continuously. They anxiously awaited Angelica's return.

Eliza's older sister swept into the room like a storm. Y/N immediately jumped out of Eliza's arms to greet Angelica.

"Sweet Angelica, what news do you bring?" Y/N asked in an almost pleading tone.

Angelica cupped Y/N's face in her hands. "I have spoken to your husband, my lady. The Friar has worked out a plan for the two of you."

"Eliza." Angelica's eyes landed on her sister. "It's quite late, time we retire to bed, yes? Head to your chambers, dear sister, I'll follow you out."

Eliza raised a brow, but did as she was told, exiting the room. Angelica moved to follow her sister, when Y/N grabbed her hand to stop her.

"Angelica, stop. You can't retire without telling me these plans the Friar has." Y/N gripped Angelica's hand tightly in her own.

Angelica smiled sweetly, and gave Y/N's hand a gentle squeeze. "Shh, my lady. The night has come, and so will your Thomas. I suggest you get some air outside on your balcony."

Angelica winked, and slipped out of the room quickly. Y/N watched her leave, confused. She wasn't quite sure what Angelica had meant, but she felt her stomach fill with butterflies at the suggestion that maybe...

Y/N sprang to her feet, and ran out to the balcony. The night was dark, and all she could see was the rustling of leaves from the orchard. Leaning on the railing, Y/N strained to see any sign of her lover.


She squinted down to try and see who was there, her heart began to beat quickly. "T-Thomas? Is that you?"


In matter of seconds, Y/N could see the outline of Thomas climbing the ivy on the wall. He reached the balcony, and jumped over the railing. Y/N ran into his arms, he picked her up and spun her around.

"I can't believe you're here, my love." Y/N breathed quietly, interlocking her fingers in his.

Thomas smiled down at her. "I can't believe it either, darlin'. We don't have too much time, though. I have to leave before dawn."

"Then we need to make the most of our time, don't we?" Y/N smirked.

She pulled him down into a kiss, her hands slipping underneath the light fabric of his tunic. Thomas gently backed Y/N into her bedroom, his hands holding her close to him as he kissed her passionately.


A bird sang a sweet melody outside Y/N's window, and she felt Thomas move beside her. She turned on her side to see him slip his tunic over his head.

"Are you leaving so soon, my love?" Y/N's heart felt heavy. "It's not daybreak yet. That's the nightingale, not the lark, believe me, it's not time for you to go yet."

Thomas chuckled, and leaned over to kiss her cheek. "That was the lark, my love, and it is dawn. Look out the window, do you see those streaks of light? The night is over, and if I wish to live, I must go now."

"That light is not the sun, I know it!" Y/N insisted. "It's a meteor come to lead your path, but not the sun. Stay with me awhile."

He sighed. "Let me be captured and put to death, if that is what my love wants. I'll say the light is some bright star, and welcome death, Y/N wants it this way. I'll stay and talk with you, since it's not daylight. How are you, my love?"

Y/N frowned at his sarcastic tone. She knew he was right, but she was hoping to find some way to make him stay longer.

"Oh, be gone. That is the lark, you're right. That horrid lark that keeps us apart from each other." Y/N glanced out the window. "Go now, I see more light!"

"More and more light, and more and more pain for us." Thomas agreed, putting on the last of his clothing.

Y/N glared at the window. "The window lets more day in, and the love of my life out. What an unfair exchange."

Thomas had made his way the balcony, and stood at the edge. He laughed at Y/N's comment as she made her way over to him, wrapped in bedsheets.

"Darlin', give me a kiss and I'll be gone." Thomas told her.

Y/N did as he asked, placing her lips on his for a sweet, quick kiss. Thomas then climbed down from her balcony quickly.

"Are you gone, just like that, Thomas?" Y/N called down to him. "Promise me you'll write me as much as you can!"

Thomas grinned up at her. "Farewell, I will not miss a chance to send you my love, darlin'."

"Do you think we'll ever meet again?" Y/N asked, sounding unsure.

"I have no doubts that I will see you again. All this trouble will give us exciting stories to tell one another when we're older." Thomas replied confidently.

With that, he quickly disappeared into the early morning. Y/N returned to her room, once more beside herself with grief.

"Oh fortune, fortune!" She cried. "You are ever changing, and I hope you do change once more, fate. Bring my Thomas back to me."

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