Scene 5

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"The earth has a curious way of keeping balance."

Friar Hercules returned from the field into the church, with a basket full of herbs, plants, and stones. He pulled out a small delicate flower, and examined it carefully.

"In this small flower, there is both poison and powerful medicine. If you smell it, it will heal your whole body. But if you taste it, you will certainly die. Everything has the same two opposite elements, herbs and men - good and evil. Don't you agree, Thomas?"

"How did you know I was here?"

Jefferson asked, stepping out of the shadows.

Hercules smiled. "Not many people visit me here. I know when they do, good sir."

Thomas sighed, taking a seat at Hercules' table while the Friar worked with his herbs.

"Why are you here so early in the morning? Somethings wrong if you're getting out of bed this early. Worried men don't get any sleep. Tell me, Thomas, did you get any rest last night?" Hercules interrogates him.

"No, I did not. I enjoyed a sweeter rest than sleep." Thomas replied, a dreamy smile on his face.

A thought occurred to Hercules, and he gasped. "My god! You weren't with Maria, were you?"

"With Maria? No, Friar. I have forgotten that name, for she only brought me sorrow." Thomas replied earnestly.

"That's good." Hercules breathed a sigh of relief. "But where have you been, then?"

Thomas grinned. "I'll tell you before you ask me again. Someone wounded me with love, and was wounded with love by me. You can cure us both, Friar! I carry no hatred, my request will benefit both myself and my enemy."

"Speak clearly, Thomas. Your jumbled confession can only receive a jumbled solution." Hercules said.

"I'm in love with Lord Washington's daughter." Thomas admitted. "I love her, and she loves me. We're bound to each other in every way, save marriage. I'll explain everything later, but I'm begging you: marry us today!"

Hercules had to take a seat as he processed all this information. "This is such a drastic change! Did you give up on Maria? Whom you loved so much? You loved her just yesterday, and now you've changed your mind? Thomas, you can't expect women to be faithful when men are so unreliable."

"You scolded me often for loving Maria." Thomas argued.

"I scolded you for obsessing over her, not loving her, Thomas." Hercules sighed.

"You told me to get rid of my love for her!"

"I didn't tell you to get rid of your love for her, and replace her with another." Hercules shook his head.

Thomas replied in a softer tone. "Maria didn't love me. Y/N returns my love. Please, my good Friar, do as I ask. Marry Y/N and I."

"I will help you with this secret wedding." Hercules finally agreed. "But only because this marriage may be able to turn the hatred between your two marriages to love."

"Then quick, let's go!" Thomas said with excitement.

Hercules shook his head in disappointment. "Be smart and go slowly. Those who rush stumble and fall."


"Where is Thomas? Did he not go home last night?" Asked James Madison.

Burr shook his head. "Not to his father's. I asked a servant."

"Why, that girl Maria is going to torment him forever." Madison said.

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