Scene 4

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The crowd had quickly diminished since Thomas Jefferson had outed himself as a Jefferson. The Washingtons and Count Hamilton were livid, understandably.

"Y/N!" Lord Washington barked. "Did you know that man was a Jefferson?"

Y/N shook her head quickly. "No, father, I promise you I didn't!"

Martha placed a hand on her husband's shoulder in an attempt to calm him. "George, if she knew, do you really think she would have danced with him? For heavens sake, the Jeffersons are our sworn enemies!"

"Yes. Our sworn enemies." Y/N repeated in a soft tone.

"You're right, Martha, dear." Lord Washington finally admitted. "Our Y/N's better than that. Poor girl, being subject to his wicked intentions all night! If I had known he was a Jefferson, I would've stopped him immediately."

Y/N bit her lip, frowning slightly. "In all honesty, father, I'm feeling a bit drained. I think it best I retire to my rooms, yes?"

"I don't blame you child. Those Jeffersons are insufferable, they'd exhaust me, too! I only apologize that that wretched boy had to ruin your night, dear. Get rest, darling, we'll see you in the morning." Washington said, dismissing her.

Y/N turned to leave, when Count Hamilton grabbed her arm.

"Lady Y/N, I regret that we did not get to spend much time together. And I apologize for not stopping that man earlier. I promise Jefferson will pay for ruining your night." Alexander said with a smug look on his face.

Y/N frowned as she studied Hamilton carefully. "Yes, it seems we'll all get what we deserve in time."

With that, she hurriedly climbed the staircase, retreating to her room. Y/N couldn't stand spending another second around that insufferable Count. The nerves of some men!

Y/N closed the door tightly behind her, sighing in relief that she was finally alone.

"Love is a monster." She muttered softly to herself, Y/N began to remove her dress from the party.

"To think!" Y/N sighed. "My only love sprung from my only hate! I fell in love before I knew who he was, and now it is too late. Love is a monster for making me fall in love with my enemy."

She plucked a modest night gown from a drawer, and slipped it over her shoulders. "If he's married, I swear I'd kill myself rather than marry anyone else."

The door swung open, Angelica and Eliza entering the room.

"Were you talking to someone, Y/N?" Angelica questioned, setting down a pile of Y/N's freshly washed laundry.

Y/N shook her head. "No, just reciting a poem I heard earlier today."

"A poem?" Eliza scoffed. "Since when do you recite poetry, Y/N?"

"Perhaps she's reciting a poem about love." Angelica suggested.

Eliza raised an eyebrow. "Did you meet someone you fancy at the ball tonight, Y/N?"

"I..." Y/N blushed a bright red.

"My stars, you did!" Angelica gasped giddily.

Eliza took Y/N's hand in hers. "Well? Tell us about him!"

"He's..." Y/N struggled to find words to define him. "He's highly intelligent. Well, more like witty. And roguishly handsome."

"He sounds wonderful, Y/N!" Angelica gushed. "What's his name?"

Y/N pursed her lips. "I can't say."

Eliza raised an eyebrow. "Why is that? Come on, Y/N, tell us."

"No." Y/N shook her head. "It's wrong for me to love this man. Even admitting my love for him is wrong."

The two Schuyler's shared a thoughtful look.

"Eliza and I should finish cleaning up the party, but we'll be back in a bit to help you finish getting ready for bed, my lady." Angelica curtsied politely.

When Angelica was out of hearing distance, Eliza whispered, "And I expect you to tell me who this mystery man is when we get back!"

Y/N smiled at Eliza's behavior, shaking her head. Deciding she needed some space to think, Y/N found herself wandering out onto the balcony. The sweet summer air seemed to relax her.

At that moment, unbeknownst to Y/N, Thomas Jefferson has taken shelter in the garden beneath her window. He couldn't believe his luck when he saw the beauty that Y/N was appear on the balcony.

"She's my sun rising in the east." Thomas murmured quietly. "Her eyes are like stars in the heaven, they would shine my way through the dark."

"Thomas." Y/N finally spoke.

Thomas was shocked to say the least. Did she know he was there? Impossible. She wouldn't be able to see him in the dark.

"Thomas, why do you have to be a Jefferson?" She sighed in defeat. "Forget your family, and change your name! But if you won't change your name, just tell me you love me and I'll stop being a Washington."

Should I tell her I'm here? Thomas thought. Or should I wait and hear more? Before Thomas could make up his mind, Y/N spoke again.

"It's only your name that's my enemy, though. You'd be yourself, even if you stopped being a Jefferson." Y/N decided. "You'd be just as perfect if you weren't a Jefferson. Lose your name and take all of me in exchange!"

"Just call me your love, and that will be enough. I will take a new name, and never be Thomas Jefferson again." Thomas finally spoke up, standing from the spot he had hidden himself.

Y/N, startled, took a step back from the balcony railing. "Who's there? Why do you hide in the darkness and listen to my inner most thoughts?"

"I don't know how to tell you who I am." Thomas replied. "Seeing as my name seems to be your enemy."

"Thomas?" A small smile crept across Y/N's face. "Thomas Jefferson? It's you, isn't it?"

Thomas saw vines along the side of the wall, and climbed them until he reached the balcony where Y/N was.

"I don't have to be either of those things if you don't want me to be, darlin'." He told her with all sincerity.

"Thomas, my father will kill you if he finds you here." Y/N said, although admittedly, she was glad he was here.

Thomas shrugged. "Being apart from you feels like death itself. Just look at me with love in your eyes, and the risk will be worth it."

"I can do that." Y/N nodded. "I'm not going to play hard-to-get with you, because it honestly a waste of both our time. But just because my love for you came easy, doesn't mean I'm not serious about it."

"I swear my love for you is just as serious." Thomas assured her.

"Thomas, this is moving so fast. It's like lightning, it's here one moment, but gone too fast to know if it was really there." Y/N withdrew from him. "Goodnight. Hopefully next time we meet, we'll still feel the same love for each other."

"You're going to leave me here so unsatisfied?" Thomas asked, taking her hand in his.

Y/N gave him a pointed look. "What satisfaction are you looking for?"

"The promises of love between us would be enough."

"I promised my love to you before you ever said a word to me." Y/N explained.

"Y/N!" Called a voice from inside her room. It was Eliza.

Y/N was once again startled. "I have to go!"

"But wait!" Thomas stopped her. "I must see you again! I'll send a message as to what time to meet, my love."

"Of course." Y/N nodded, she turned to leave again, but Thomas spun her around and placed a loving kiss on her lips.

After what seemed like an eternity, the lovers parted.

"Goodnight, my love." Y/N whispered, leaving the balcony.

"Goodnight, darlin'."

verona • thomas jefferson x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat