Scene 2

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Y/N took a deep breath as Angelica and Eliza began fastening her corset. It was an hour before the masquerade ball would would commence, and Y/N's handmaidens had already begun working on getting Y/N ready.

Angelica offered Y/N a smile. "No need to be nervous, Y/N. I remember when my father introduced me to my suitor. I was a little scared, honestly, but it's really nothing to stress over. I'm sure Lord Washington will pick someone very kind and handsome for you."

Y/N smiled back at Angelica, happy for the reassurance. "Thanks, Angie. I can't believe I'm finally going to meet him. I wonder who he is."

Eliza looked at Y/N enviously. "Oh, Y/N, I wish I was meeting my suitor tonight. No doubt your father has found someone for you of great wealth and prestige. I can't believe you're almost grown up!"

"Eliza, no need to envy me. In no time at all, you'll be of age to marry, and suitors will be lined up at your door for the fair Eliza Schuyler's hand in marriage." Y/N teased the other girl, even though Y/N was only a year Eliza's senior. Eliza giggled at Y/N's words, and continued her task of getting Y/N ready.

Of course, the Schuyler sisters would be at the ball as well, but the ball had really been thrown to celebrate Y/N coming of age. Y/N's father, Lord Washington, had plans to introduce Y/N to her suitor that night. Butterflies churned in Y/N's stomach at the thought of it. While Y/N was lost in her thoughts, Angelica and Eliza had finished getting Y/N dressed.

She wore a blue gown made from expensive silk. Embroidered along the middle of the dress were soft flowers and swirling designs. The dress had long sleeves made of the same material, this style was very fashionable in more well known cities, like Rome, Naples, or Florence. Along with her dress, Y/N had a matching blue mask with a few silver flowers that were glittering in the early evening light. Y/N looked stunning.

Y/N spent a few minutes studying herself in the mirror, when her mother, Lady Washington, knocked on the door. Eliza was quick to open the door for Martha, offering the noblewomen a courteous bow. Lady Washington smiled at the young handmaiden, and after thanking the two sisters for their work, excused them. Martha took Y/N by the hand, and sat her on the bed next to her.

"Y/N, you must know, you've grown into a beautiful woman." Martha told her. Y/N narrowed her eyes, wondering where her mother was going with this. "Well, your father and I have decided it's time for you to get married."

To say Y/N was surprised was a lie. She had expected this for some time now. Most ladies were introduced to their suitors at their welcoming ball.

"Who is he?" Y/N asked after a pause.

Martha smiled at her daughter's question. "Glad you asked, dear. His name is Count Alexander Hamilton. He's smart, brilliant, actually. Your father picked a good one for you, Y/N."

Y/N only nodded solemnly.

"Well, I'll be heading down to the party now. I trust you'll be joining soon, dear?" Lady Washington said as she opened the door to leave.

Y/N sighed and replied, "Of course, Mother."

After Martha left the room, Y/N stared at herself in front of her mirror and began to fix up her hair. This ball marked the end of her childhood. The face in the mirror no longer belonged to the little girl who would play with Angelica, but of a grown woman ready for marriage. After her appearance was satisfactory, Y/N decided to join the ball held in her honor.

As she exited her room, the sounds of music playing and laughter welcomed her. Y/N began her descent down the staircase, and the music and voices trickled into silence. All eyes turned to Y/N, everyone in the room seemed to be awestruck by her beauty. Y/N felt as if she were on display.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs, her father, Lord Washington, greeted her and offered her his arm.

"Good evening Y/N, you look lovely tonight." Her father complimented with a kind smile.

Y/N smiled back and took his arm. "Thank you father."

Lord Washington brought Y/N over to where Lady Washington was talking with a handsome dark haired man.

"Y/N, I would like for you to meet Count Alexander Hamilton. Alexander, this is my daughter, Y/N Washington. We'll let you two get acquainted." Lord Washington said, taking Lady Washington's hand and leading them her away.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Y/N." Alexander said, bowing to her.

Y/N curtsied to him. "You as well, Count Hamilton."

Alexander waved her off. "Please, call me Alexander."

Music began to start up again, and couples found their way to the dance floor.

"Lady Y/N, would you mind accompanying me for a dance?" Alexander asked, offering Y/N his hand.

Y/N took it hesitantly. Maybe this man wasn't too bad.

The two began to dance around the room. Alexander was a fine dancer, Y/N decided. As the song ended, a man in a bright magenta coat tapped Alexander on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, good sir, would you mind if I borrow this lady for a dance?" He asked politely.

Alexander frowned, and his expression showed that he'd rather do anything but. Instead, he pasted a fake smile on his face, "But of course, sir."

The man in the magenta suit, took Y/N's hand, and once again led her to the dance floor. His ornate magenta mask disguised his identity, but Y/N could tell that this man was possibly the most handsome man she had laid eyes on. As they began to dance, Y/N saw that this man's skills on the dance floor were immensely better than that of Count Hamilton's.

"Sir, if you wouldn't mind, can I know your name?" Y/N asked as she stared into this stranger's warm chocolate eyes.

The stranger chuckled softly. "My name is Thomas."

"Just Thomas?" Y/N asked.

"Well, for now, yes." Thomas continued. "It's best I don't tell you my full name."

Y/N studied Thomas curiously. "Well, Thomas, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Y/N."

"Well, Y/N, I must tell you," Thomas grinned, "You're the most beautiful woman in the room."

Y/N blushed. "You're not too bad yourself."

Y/N wasn't exactly sure who this man was, but she knew one thing for sure. This man was her soulmate.

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