"Tell me it's dry cleaned."

"Of course not. It ruins the sanctity of the suit."

Pierce laughs so hard, his stomach and sides hurt. Edmund was the only family he had after the passing of their parents. They had managed to pull through hard times together, be it college or paying back Dad's debt.

Edmund was the older brother, the big guy he always looked up to and the father figure to Pierce. It hurt him when he couldn't continue and became depressed over time.

"You're an idiot." He tosses yet another shirt on his bed and pulls another one out the dresser.

Edmund was a secretive guy, never really spoke much about himself. Hence he not telling Pierce he had already gotten the job he always wanted. Being a policeman would help him feel good about himself, maybe even a little important but his little brother didn't need to know that.

He wondered what Funmi was up to compared to him, he was having the time of his life.

Funmi huffed and kicked off her shoes. How did people wear this so early in the morning till the day ends?

Normally she didn't put effort in her appearance but at this moment she wanted to appear like the models in the magazines she reads. She didn't have much dresses so she tried to at least look presentable in the black one she got the day she met Pierce. It was a plain black dress, black flats and pearl earrings.

She's lucky her uncle had gone out to smoke at a corner, she didn't need him hovering over her choices anymore, she was getting older, growing up and he needed to respect that.

Nostalgia grips him like a second skin as he waited at the other side of town, leaning against the lamppost with his hands in his pockets. He's a bit on edge because dating Bren was a similar situation.

Calm down, she's not anything like that.

He's a little nervous from the thought of her standing him up. His stomach churns aggressively. Maybe her uncle could've gotten in the way or she just had cold feet.

But when he sees that familiar petite figure wearing all black, he grins. Tonight would be a good night.

"Hey there."

"You look great." She breathes.

Her nerves aren't doing her any good but that doesn't matter, as long as he takes the initiative— nothing matters. She knew he had done so much to impress her. From the button down shirt, to dinner, to the humorless jokes he would tell.

Pierce dips his head, placing a featherlight kiss on the corner of her soft lips. "You look amazing."

"Thank you." She smiles meekly.

The restaurant wasn't far from where they chose to meet. The establishment basked them in its warmth.

They both settle and order what they want. She feels a little bad when she realises this 'date' thing they were having centred around food. She could've cooked or at least brought her own money to pay for her own meal.

The restaurant was extremely warm, a great contrast to the freezing night. From the cream coloured walls to well folded napkins and wine glasses, she knew this place was expensive.

"Okay, so I've been on three dates— not much but there's a format this thing follows apparently." He searches her face as she nods slowly. "Tell me about yourself." Pierce says out of the blue.

She laughs lightly as she recalls telling him almost everything about herself in just a short period of time.

"So this is what people do on dates?"

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