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JIMIN'S DESIGNS WEREN'T bad - not at all. Yoongi's almost annoyed at having given up some of the responsibility and it actually working out, but as Seokjin told him, "Stop being such a prick and just appreciate it." So he does. And maybe he becomes slightly more accustomed to relying on Jimin. Just a little bit.

What he can't become accustomed to, however, is the sight of the intern's office.

For every Hey, what wall color do you think is better for the exhibition? and Would you mind making copies of these? that requires a trip to Jimin's quarters, Yoongi feels himself unravel a bit - and not at all in a good way.

"You alright?" Jimin asks. He doesn't see it as a problem. Yoongi doesn't see how that's possible.

"Er, no, actually. Can you please clean this room up? I'll even help."

"When would we have the time?" Jimin snorts, and Yoongi lours at the realization that, in Jimin's eyes, he's simply being humored.

"Right now," he says, trading Jimin's smirk for his frown.


"I have time, and it's not like you're doing anything important."

"Too much work."

"It's disgusting in here."

"It's not that bad."

"Jimin, please."

Yoongi's very well aware of the fact that he's starting to plead, and he hates it - but not nearly as much as he hates this office.

"Don't you have a conference call to make?"

"Not until 10:30."

Jimin glares. Yoongi almost laughs.

"When's your meeting with the exhibition designer?"


"Go away."

"No offense Jimin, but having to step in here makes me feel like I've got mites crawling all over me."

"Oh, none taken," Jimin says, sarcasm rolling off his words.

Yoongi shakes his head and says, "You're impossible."

"I just think it's a waste of time."

"It's not if it means I can walk into your office without having a fucking heart attack."

"Yoongi, I can't be bothered. Is there any real work you'd like me to do?"

Yoongi glares, not even responding before he turns and leaves the office. Jimin had become quite comfortable in the last week; just a few days ago, Yoongi could ask him to do anything and the boy would go running to get it done. Now he's just a smartass.

"It's his office," Namjoon says when Yoongi tells this to him. "His decision. Just ignore it."

"Easy for you to say, you haven't been in it. And don't think that his office is the only messy part about him."

Yoongi had started roaming around the museum, with a good two hours to go before his conference call, and he'd crossed paths with Namjoon. The business manager was very, very out of the loop.

"What else is there? No one tells me these things, I swear."

"Have you seen the kid? He looks like a hurricane personified." At that, Namjoon laughs.

Disarray; YoonminTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang