astro: rocky: lust

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" remember a year ago when we would stay up all night talking ? Now we don't even know how to say hi. " 

- grayquotes


He only wanted to be with me because of my body and I competently understand that. I have nothing against that but what hurt me the most was when he told people that I asked for it. Everyone knows that I don't ask, the guys ask, not the other way around. Even Yuna thinks that I  tried to take her man when really I didnt. 

He asked. He got laid and my boyfriend knows. Yes I am dating someone when I fucked Rocky, but hey listen we agreed on this. We have an open relationship and Kai agreed. We do kiss and do regular couple stuff. People do look at us with weird looks and even spread rumors. 

" sweetie, remember we have a date later with the boys " Kai says, handing me my coffee

I smiled and kiss his lips as he smiles also. Closing my lock, we began to walk to our class together. Rocky was there as he was sucking Yuna lips. Kai wrap his arms around me and pulled me close making me blush.

" pick you up after seventh ?" He asked sweetly

I nodded my head as I gave him a kiss on the lips before walking into my class. Students gave me a weird look before they continue their conversation. I went towards my seat and saw Yuna walking to class.

" look at her, thinking she is all that just because she fucked Rocky " Yuna says

I gave her a look as she walks towards me and smirks.

" we fucked thats it, whats so wrong about that?" I asked

She gave me a nasty look as she slams her hands on my desk.

" you cheated on our Kai! First you take Kai away from us and now Rocky ! You really are a slut " she sneer

I rolled my eyes and click my tongue. " i didn't cheat, and Kai ask me out not the other way around. Rocky ask me to fuck and i did. "

As she was about to slap me, i was brought to my feet as i was face to face with Rocky.

" everyone out " he mumbles

Everyone rushes out the room as Rocky grip tightens. I let out a cry of pain when he pushes me against the wall and went to lock the door. I rub my back and tried to go out the window before i felt my hair be pulled.

" naughty girls get punished " he says

I gasp in pain as i tried to pull it back. " stop it !"

Rocky turn me around and pushes me against the desk, making me fall onto the ground. I look up to see his eyes glowing making me get up quickly.

" tsk, your so difficult "

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