two ; flirting

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Stop. Freaking. Staring. At. Me.

I took a deeeeep breath and tried to ignore Kim Hanbin. I could literally feel his eyes burning into my flesh as he stared at me. He's been doing that for the past 10minutes. Even Jennie had noticed it.

I really, desperately wanted to get up and demand him to stop disturbing me, but I was afraid he was going to tell everyone about my little flash yesterday and ridicule me.

If that happened, I was never going to hear the end of it.

So I endured the urge to slap him and stayed in my seat at the canteen opposite of that big-nosed jerk.

Another 10 minutes passed, and he still was staring at me. My patience was slowly running thin... Very very thin.

"Ugh, I can't take it anymore." I growled, slamming my hands on the table and getting up abruptly. Jennie gasped and tried to hold me back as I climbed out of my seat and strutted over to Hanbin's table.

I didn't even care about the consequences anymore. He could tell the whole world about my little black lace panties and I would just take the shame and walk on with heads held high. All I wanted was for him to stop staring at me.

His friends wolf whistled as I approached them, and I rolled my eyes, feeling annoyance build up further.

"Kim Hanbin, what's your freaking deal? Why do you keep staring at me???" I demanded, slamming my hands on his table and leaning in close to him.

Upclose, he was even more handsome.

He looked me straight in the eye and gave me a cocky smile, the corner of his lips curling up in a smirk.

"Because you're pretty." He said, giving me a wink.

That did it. My face burning from half anger and half flusteredness, I lifted up a hand and smacked his head with it. Then I walked off quickly, leaving behind hoots of laughter from his friends and a shocked Hanbin.


Ugh, that stupid Kim Hanbin.

My mind was still filled with the embarrassment of what had happened yesterday and today. And, although I didn't want to admit it, of him.

Despite my hatred for him now, I couldn't deny that he was attractive. Very attractive in fact. With his styled hair and tall, muscular yet still skinny body shape, he was, without any argument, a lot of girls' ideal type.

And even his face was good looking. His flawless, pale but not too pale skin. His charming eyes that could switch from staring flirtily to shooting lasers out of them. Even his sharp nose that's slightly too big framed his face perfectly. And his sharp jaw and thick pinkish lips.

His fashion sense was also on point. He always wore clothes that just radiated swag and hot.

Ugh, he was so hot. Yet so rude. And such a jerk.

Oh, and such a flirt. I thought, rolling my eyes as I entered the classroom to see him flirting with a cute girl.

I was having detention again, this time for absolutely no reason. I wasn't even talking when she called me out for detention. That woman seriously has something against me.

I walked into the room, ignoring Hanbin's repeated call of my name. Just as I slammed my bag on the table and was about to take a seat, he got up and came over.

But when I sat, my butt didn't hit the chair like it normally would and should. Instead, I heard a screeching sound and before I could even stop myself, I'd fallen onto the ground with a plop!

I grimaced loudly in pain as my butt hit the hard ground. Glaring up at Hanbin who had pulled my chair away right as I was about to sit, I couldn't believe that he was actually laughing. At me. Again.

Anger bubbled up in me, and when he reached out a hand to pick me up while still chuckling, my first thought was to slap his hand away and then punch him hard.

But on second thoughts...

I grabbed his hand, pretending to get up. Just as I felt the pressure of his hand pulling me up, I quickly leaned back and pulled hard, swiftly turning him around.

He landed on the ground on his back with a loud "Oof!" and I landed on him. My hands rested on his chest, which I couldn't help but notice how firm and hard it was.

Groaning, he cursed and stared at me, obviously heated up. I smirked and stuck a tongue out at him, then pressed onto the ground for support as I attempted to get up.

Why attempted? Because before I could even get up fully, his hand had reached forward to pull me back down onto him. I hit against his hard chest again, and this time, he wrapped his arns around my waist, trapping me on top of him.

I gasped and tried to get up, but he was holding onto me too tightly. Our bodies were pressed against each other, my face directly on top of his. My thigh rested on his hips, and my legs ended way before his did.

We were so close together. I could even feel his warm breath against my face as he exhaled. His hand wrapped itself even tighter around my waist and I flinched a little. I swear, my heart's going to explode out of my chest at any minute.

He stared at me with those charming eyes and his thick lips curled up in a smirk. "How does it feel to be on top of the hottest man on Earth?"

"Can't wait to get off." I replied snarkily, gritting my teeth and trying to get out of his iron grip.

He scoffed and laughed, sending a deep rumble through my body as I felt his body vibrate against me. Ugh, his chest was really distracting me. It was so warm and comfortable that all I wanted was to snuggle up and fall asleep in his arms.

And I have to say, he smelled so good. He didn't have a perfume kind of smell, it was just his natural scent. But it smelled good, and I liked it. Also, because I was breathing so hard, his scent was really getting into my nose.

"Sure babe. Whatever you say. But because I'm feeling nice today, I'll let you get off." He grinned. His arms loosened around my waist and I quickly got up, patting down my skirt and running a hand through my messy hair.

"Oh and also, you don't actually have detention. I just ordered Mrs Ji to get you to come here. The teachers all listen to me since my father's their boss." He got up and dusted himself off, smirking at me with his thick lips.

I glared at him and puffed air through my cheeks, annoyed. "Bye then, big nose." I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

I heard him call out a "Bellbell!" before he was out of earshot, and it made me smile to myself a little. Bellbell, what kind of an insult was that? It actually sounded pretty cute.

Stupid Kim Hanbin.

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