Chapter 4

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A week after being mated.

Everything was normal for the next week, Both Logan and I have been spending a lot of time together. When we were not together my mum spent time with Logan going through the role which Logan would be doing as the mate of the alpha. Today my brother's wanted us to meet up for breakfast to disgust issues with rogues and things that have been happening near pack lands. As soon as I step into the kitchen to say good bye to my mate I was hit with his scent and with another smell. My panther was chanting mate with kit with that I took one look at my mate and sniffed his gland to confirm what Delko was saying and sure enough I could also hear several heart beats coming from my little mate. With that I scooped him up in my arms and ran to the pack infirmary not stopping. Whilst running I informed my brothers what I was doing and also our pack healer that we were on our way to her.

Once at the infirmary, I gently laid Logan on the bed so the Edna who is the healer could confirm my suspicions. Once she confirmed it and done various tests including an ultra-scan we found out Logan was carrying at least 3 kits but would check in a couple of weeks as it was still early, even though leopard's carry up to 4 months but because we were not sure if they were snow leopard's or panther kits they could arrive as early as 3 months. We were both so happy and excited especially when we told our families we were expecting. My dad seemed happy for us but still not himself my mum as becoming more distant even made a comment that once everything settled she would leave.

As the months went passed we didn't hear from Logan's mum or brother and things started to calm back.

One night my parents asked for me and my brothers to join them they needed to talk to us. I was worried about leaving Logan on his own as he due anytime but he reassured me that he would let me know if he needed me.

That night my parent's told us the truth that they were not really mates. That they meet when they were at school and fell completely in love with each other. Instead of waiting or looking for their true mates decided to be together and the did a mating ceremony for a blood bond instead one for a true soul-mate.

Blood bond is when an elder cuts each person on their hand and mixed the two bloods together. They then call the gods to combine the two of them together as one. Then each person takes a sip from the cup and repeats the words the healer says.

My dad explained when they did the ceremony the gods were not happy and so the elderly refused  to carry out the ritual and demanded that they did not continue their relationship. Their old pack was one of the original pack so they followed old rules. Both our parents refused to separated and left Italy so they could be together.

They told us until that night when Logan's mum came they were happy. They explained that they knew her when they were younger as she was always trying to get with my dad and when she found out that he chose to be with our mum she made things more difficult to the point neither of my parents talk to anyone they use to know or even their own family. They said she always had an aura around her that was evil. They both felt the same that night when they realised she was Logan's mum. They also sensed the same aura coming from Luke. Since that night Jacqueline has been contacting both of them threating them and the pack.

After talking to my parents I decided to keep an eye on Logan to make sure keeps safe from them. I also contacted his dad to tell him what was going on and the problems Jacqueline and Luke were causing and our concerns. He actually was not surprised as Luke had always been troubled and that is one of the reasons why they separated Logan  and Luke as he was concerned what Luke would do to Logan especially if he found his mate.

A few days after everything coming to light I had just finally got to sleep when I was woken up by my mate screaming his head off at that point I jump out of bed and realised it was wet. My mate looked at me and said "Snow needs to take over" at that point my mate turned into his animal.

Whilst this was happening I had already mindlinked my family and the healer who all turned up within 10 minutes. At that point our first kit was born Edna quickly check the kit and place them near Logan after another 30 minutes orher 2 kits were born. They all attached to Snow's nipples and fed until they fell asleep.

Edna explained with any cat shifters the babies are usually born in their animal form and will turn into human usually within the first week and will keep shifting between the two forms until they can control their animal which could be up to 2 years they will stay human majority of time until they are 12 years old.

We actually did not find out the sex of the kits for a couple of days after they were born as they would not go far from Logan. Eventually I managed to get close to them in my panther form and found out that they were all boys and we had two Panther kits like me and a snow Leopard just like Logan. We decided to name our first kit Landon our second kit that is Landon's identical twin Lincoln and our youngest we decided to call him Luca who is our little white kit.

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