Chapter 1

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The first few chapters and mainly in Dante's point of view and also will time jump in part's.

This chapter starts of 5 years ago when Dante met his mate.

I would like to introduce myself before I start talking my name is the Dante Russo I am the oldest son of Antonio and Isabelle Russo. I have two brothers Diego and Darius, we are currently 23 and before you ask we are triplets. The three of us have been looking for our mates since we were 18 but still have not found them. Believe it or not both Diego and I hope that our mates are male but Darius is hoping his mate is female but will be accept male as it shouldn't matter as long as we find our mates .

When I was 21 I took over as the alpha of our claw (pack) which is called Black Claw Pack. Though I am technically the Alpha and my brothers are beta's I made sure that everyone treated us as equals and that nothing would be agreed on or implicated without us all agreeing. At first we had a lot of people not happy with my decision and a few even left. I made it clear if they did not accept us as equals than we will would leave and start our own claw elsewhere.

Anyway back to now two years later we are still here and I am currently on petrol in my panther form, going around the claw lands when I just started to smell something wonderful I have followed it to a cave not far from a stream that runs between our borders and unclaimed land. When I went further into the cave I found a beautiful white leopard laying there as the leopard woke up and was startled by my big panther he ran passed me slightly rubbing against my panthers body but did not stop.

I stood there in my animal form stunned by the time I had shook myself out of the trance I tried so hard to follow the scent but it just disappeared.

After a couple of hours of looking and continuing my petrol I decided to let the warriors know I was going back to the office.

On the way back I mindlinked my dad and brothers to meet me in my office after I had a shower and changed into some clean clothes.

After I got showered and changed I let my brothers, and dad know I was on my way.

I explained everything to them what happened whilst I was on petrol. I even asked my dad if he heard anything about white leopards being sighted is this area. He mentioned that he knew a woman that had a kit but had not seen her for years as she left the area with her son and mate. The way my dad said that made me feel like he was either not telling me the whole truth or keeping something from me. I was not going to press him anymore as I did not want to upset him or Ma as they are they mean the world to me.

When both Diego and I first came out to our family and said we preferred males my dad took it badly but eventually accepted it especially the Idea we can still have heirs if our mate is male. The pack was not happy to begin with and a few members actually left as they did not agree with our sexual preference and said I quote they did not want "fairies" to lead them. It was hard for our parents as they thought that the pack was family and felt so betrayed.

Anyway since the day I met my mate I have been going back to the cave and the surrounding area every day hoping to smell or see my mate again but nothing. I could feel my panther upset which made me upset and unsettled.

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