Fun Fact / Story Time

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So heres a fun fact about this kid at my school. HE LOOKS LIKE JOHNNY!! Deadass like he really does. I told him Hey you. You know who you remind me of? And he asked who. I told him Johnny from the outsiders. He was like so youre say I die from like 3 degree burns? So I said Jesus Christ no. Im saying yous got his looks and youre quiet like him and you get scared of almost anything and yous like a little brother in your group of friends. He was like cool. Then he legit ran his hand through his hair and tried to act all badass and cute and shit. So he asked do you think johnnys cute 😏. So I was like maybe 😏😘. And i walked away. But i turned my head and he was a blushing mess and smiling so big (which he never does). It was adorable.

I am working on all the other fanfics that I have in mind. I decided to post the Two-bit and Henry one after this one is done...which is soon, sorry. But yeah I have those 2 , this one and another one that im working on. I know its kinda dumb to be working on so many at once but I just get ideas and i dont wanna forget them so I just start writing. Any my dudes Im gonna try to post another chapter this week...maybe 2. We'll see. But hope yous liked my little story time/fun fact. Maybe i should just start a book and call it fun facts/story time and just just put random fun facts and embarrassing/funny stories about myself.

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