Chapter 12: A little note

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Dally's POV

Did she hear me say I love you? I mean I don't care if she heard because I do mean it. Even though I've only known her for three days, I feel like I've known her for years. I feel like she's the one I can open up to. I gonna  tell her how I feel about her tomorrow hopefully she doesn't think I'm crazy.


I woke in the morning in Dally's bed, but he wasn't there. I walked over to where my clothes were and there was a note. Hey Pretty Baby, sorry I left but I got a plan for the two of us today. Come meet me around 4 at the park. Get dolled up. See ya there. Love, Your Bad Boy Hero. "Get dolled up? Why?" I asked myself, but I couldn't help but smile to myself reading the note. I got butterflies in my stomach. I got dressed and headed down stairs. No one was there not even Dally's buddy Buck. I walked to Y/F/N's house to show her/ him the note. "I wonder what he has planned for you two?" She/He said winking. "Do you thing he likes me?" I asked. "Well he did save you from Bob, walks with you to places, and let you sleep at his place in his bed. So I would say maybe. Also he calls you "Pretty Baby" and "Baby Girl". You really slept in the same bed as him?" Y/F/N asked. Shit my parents, I never came home. Their gonna kill me! I thought to myself. "I'm sorry I gotta go!" I said running out the house.

I ran all the way to my house. I heard yelling. Already? I went to the back, but the door was locked, my window, but it was locked too. Crap. I took a deep breath and opened the door. "Where the hell have you been Y/N!?" My mom yelled slamming the phone down. "Sorry I spent the night I my friend's house. It was late and I didn't want to wake you and Dad up, so they offered to let me spend the night with them." I said, my dad wasn't there. Thank God he's not here. "Y/N I've seen you running around with that hood and hanging out with all the rest of them. So if you get busted for somethin don't expect me to be by your side." She was drunk I could tell. "Mom there just friends alright!?" I yelled at her. "I've had enough of this crap, I'm leaving to work and if you're not here when I get home at 4 your dead got that? You're lucky your dad ain't here." I felt tears build up. I knew if my dad was here he would beat the tar out of me. I gotta me Dally at 4! I realized. At this point I don't care if I get in trouble, I need to be there with Dally.

I waited for the devil to head down the street away from the house. Once she left I head to the lot to see if Dally or anyone was there. When I got there only Johnny was there. "Hey Johnny boy." (Johnny Boy by Twenty One Pilots 👌) I said smiling when he saw me. "Oh hey Y/N what brings you here?" He asked. I sat down next to him. "I'm bored and there's nothing to do at my house, besides what for my parents to come home and beat the shit out of me." I said drawing something in the dirt. "Things are rough at home too?" Johnny asked looking at me. I looked at him in the eyes, he's seems so sweet and innocent and pure, like a puppy who's been kicked around too much, and needs to be protected by from all the evil in the world. "Yeah sadly they only attention I get from them is when their yelling at me or beatin me." I could tell he let his guard down a bit once I said that. "Yeah me too, but at least they know we're alive then right?" He asked "I guess so."

Me and Johnny talked about how it is a home and I got to get to know him better. He's been through a lot of things. It's bad enough that he has to deal with socs, but then he has to go home and deal with his parents too. We both do...and it's sucks because home is supposed to be the place where you feel safe. But for us, it's the place where we feel the most scared. "So what's with you and Dal? You two dating?" He said nudging me with his elbow and winking. I felt my face turn red. "What? No, we're friends." I said trying to had my face. "Do you like him?" He asked. "Johnny...I do like him. But it's hard when your friend is telling you that he's no good." I said laying down on the floor. "Dally's a good guy, it's just people don't take the time to get to know him. And he doesn't have anyone to really open up to. I mean he has the gang but he's too tuff to open up to the gang. He needs and wants someone to open up to. If not he might lose it one of these days and just snap. Hopefully your that person he can share everything with."

I thought about what Johnny said, Dally needs someone. "I'd love to be that person. But... Maybe, just maybe Johnny." I said getting up, dusting off my hands. "Well I'm gonna get going, but I swear Johnny Cade if you tell anyone that I like Dallas Winston, I'm gonna hurt you." I said winking, I would never hurt him. He's like a kid brother I never had. "I won't." He said smiling, which I have to say fits him better than that scared look he always has. "Bye Johnny boy." I said hugging him, I knew he needed one. "Bye Y/N." He hugged back. I pulled away, smiled and waved. And with that I ran to my house.

When I got home it was 3. Well, I gotta get ready.

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