Chapter 16: Safe and Sound

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Your POV
"Are you sure?" Dally asked looking into my eyes, my hands in his. He still had some tears in his eyes. I think that's a first that Dally had ever cried... well in front of anyone. "Dally my mom had told me that I needed to be home by 4, and it's like 6 already. I'm 2 hours late and my dad's probably home already. They'll beat the crap out of me if I go home right now." I said as I felt a tear roll down. "Well," Dally said running his hand through his hair. " Let's at least stop by and get you some clothes, we can go through your window. Then you can stay with me get cleaned up and stay the night. Ok?" He said squeezing my hand. "Alright."

We were two houses down from mine and we could already hear some yelling. We walked to the side of my house, I hopped up on a crate that I had set up, in case I ever need to sneak into my own window. Dally stayed waiting outside. Once I got in I grabbed a bag and put a change of clothes, my brush, and a towel in there. I started to climb through the window, Dally helped me get down. I felt like a little kid when he did that.

As we started to walk to his buddy's house, I kept looking over my shoulder. I was scared of Bob coming back, I was probably never going to feel safe walking again. I guess Dally noticed me constantly looking over my shoulder because he pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arm around me. "Y/N I'm so, so sorry about tonight. I-I don't know how to make it up to you. I can't image what you must feel right now." He said. I didn't even know what to feel. I was scared that for god damn sure. But then everything that happened before with Dally completely took over and I didn't feel as bad. "You know something Dal, I don't care about what Bob did to me. I mean I do and I want that son of a bitch to pay for it, but then all I care about right now is you. My boyfriend. What you did for me tonight is something I'm going to remember for the rest of my life." I said smiling looking into his eyes. "All I care about is you too Y/N. And trust me that fucker is going to pay for what he did. I can guarantee that." He said. He looked at my lips and then at my eyes, he licked his lips, and kissed me.

Once we got to the house, he led my upstairs to his room. "The shower is over here." He said leading the way. He turned on the shower. I started to take off my jacket and my dress. When dally turned around I was just in my underwear and bra. He looked me up and down. At first he had a shocked look on his face. He then licked his lips while he started smirking. He quickly realized that I was looking at him and he started to blush. "Um I'm gonna be right out there if you need anything." He walked out of the bathroom.

Dally's POV

When I was done turning on the water I turned to Y/N, she was already undressed, only in her underwear and bra. At first I was shocked, one because of all the scratches and scars she had. And two because of how beautiful she looked with the all of the scratches and scars. I licked my lips and started smirking. I guess she saw me staring, I started blushing. "Um I'm gonna be right out there if you need anything." I walked out of the bathroom. I lit a cigarette and plopped down on the bed, I started replaying everything that happened tonight.

I asked the girl I love to be my girlfriend, and she said yes. I kissed her and she didn't fight it like most girls do. She got fucking violated by Bob Sheldon. I swear I will make Bob pay for what he did to her, and for all the crap he did to Johnny. Johnny and Y/N do not deserve the crap that they have to deal with, at home and out on the streets. I always said if I had my own place the first person I would ask to move in with me would be Johnny, add Y/N. At least they would be safer there. I went down stairs and grabbed 4 beers, 2 for me and 2 for her. I got back up, she still wasn't out. I decided to call darry, I needed to tell him about what happened.

Darry's POV

The phone started ringing so I got up to go get it, but I was quickly pushed back into my seat by Soda. "I got it!" Soda said running to the phone. All the guys were over, well except Dally, he was with Y/N. He said that he was gonna ask her out, which if you ask me I would have waited at least a month to get to know her better. But Dally's persistent, and those two have spent all day with each other, so I'm pretty sure they got to know each pretty well.

"Hello?" Soda answered. "Oh hey Dally. Yeah Darry's here. You want to talk to him. Alrighty. DARRY ITS FOR YOU." Soda yelled knowing damn well that he didn't need to. I walked over to the phone. "Quit yellin you're gonna wake the whole neighborhood, again"

"Hey Dally what's up?"

"Is any of the guys right there with ya?"

"No it's just me the guys are watching Mickey Mouse."

"You work tomorrow?"

"No why?"

"Good I need to talk to you, in person it's too important to talk over the phone. See ya tomorrow."

"Wait Dal-." Dally hung up the phone before I can even finish my sentence.

I walked into the living room and all the guys were staring at me. "What?" I asked. "So how did it go with him and Y/N?" Soda and Steve asked. "Did she say yes?" Two-bit chimed in. "Did she like the flowers?" Pony and Johnny asked in unison. They all looked like little kids on Christmas, waiting to open their presents. "I don't know he didn't tell me." They all whined. "Then what did he tell you then?" Pony asked. "He wants to talk to me tomorrow. All he said that he needs to talk about something important." They all returned to watching Mickey Mouse.

The whole time I was wondering what happened because he sounded upset, and it's never good when Dally's upset. It bugged me all night.

Your POV

When I got out of the shower I realized I didn't bring pajamas. "Shit." I said. "Hey everything ok in there?" Dally asked knocking on the door. "Yeah I just forgot my pajamas." I said laughing. "Hope you don't me sleeping in my bra and underwear." He laughed a little. "Thats fine if you're cool with freezing to death." As soon as he said that I walked out. He was in a pair of sweats with no shirt. Man he looked hot. "As long as you keep me warm during the night." He looked at me up and down. "You're fuckin crazy. But I love you." He laughed pulling me into a hug. He went for a kiss as I hopped up into his arms. He carried me to the bed, still kissing me. He laid me down on the bed, he was on top of me and thats when the kisses got more intense. His hand was gripping my thigh. He quickly stopped, which took me by surprise.

"I'm sorry." He said laughing a little. "For what?" I asked really wondering why. "Well, what you when through tonight, I thought right now wouldn't be the most appropriate time." He answered. "Oh." There was a minute of  awkward silence. "Oh I got you these, don't know if you drink but I figured you'd need them." He said handing me a couple of beers he brought. "Thanks, definitely need them." I said laughing. And I have drank before, a couple times with my brother, a lot with my friends, and once with Y/F/N. I turned to Dally who had lit a cigarette, I grabbed it from him and took a drag. "Hey, if you want  you you can ask." He said smiling. "But sharing is caring." I said with cigarette in my mouth.

We sat there talking and drinking. When we were done it was already 12. I guess time flies when you're with your lover too. "Well" I yawed. "Guess it's time to hit the hay." I laughed. "Yeah I think so too Pretty Baby." Dally said getting off the bed. "Where ya going?" I asked. "I'm gonna cover you up." He grinned the cutest grin ever. "Alright." I said getting under the blankets. He covered me up and got under the blankets. "Jesus Christ it's freezing." I said cuddling up next to him, feeling the warmth of his body felt so good. "Wow your shaking, you're that cold?" He said smiling. "No I'm actually burning up, of course I'm that cold." I said sarcastically. Dally turned his body so that he was on his side facing me. He rolled me so I could face him, and pulled me in hugging me. I hugged him back, it felt so warm and good. "I love you Y/N  Y/L/N." He said hugging me tight, placing a kiss on my forehead. "I love you too Dallas Winston." At that moment everything bad that happened tonight was gone. All my stress was gone. It was replaced by the love that I feel for the man I love,the man holding me in his arms. I feel asleep safe and smiling, knowing that I am loved and cared for by someone.

A/n:Wow it's so long (that's what she said 😂😂) too long. The story part, not including this is 1691 words long! Hope you guys like it. I feel that this might be coming to an end. Depending on how I end it there might be a sequel. There might be at least 4 more chapters, there might be more. Anywho again hope you guys like it, hope you had/have/are having a great day.💜💜

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