Chapter 10 : Let's just hope it's that way...

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 10th chapter of Silently Suffering. I really just want to thank the very few people out there who have been reading my book because it really means a lot to me. Anyway let's get into this, shall we?*

"It's you!?" I shouted in utter disbelief as I was met with snowy white hair and ruby red eyes. Just when I was about to ask a plethora of questions he cut me off. "No time to explain!" He frantically grabbed my wrist and tugged me in the opposite direction of the light. I heard the sound of voices and pounding footsteps following us, none of us gaining nor loosing ground.

I felt the air ripple as something zoomed past my ear. A bullet? I questioned internally. No way to fast to be a bullet. I concluded though this did little to calm my nerves. "C'mon we'll lose them in here. I heard Prussia whisper as we made a sharp left. The hallway we entered split into three ways. He paused for a moment before heading right and we were met with another fork in the road. A maze. I concluded.

Eventually Prussia pulled us into a corner and pushed me flat against the wall. When I was about to question him he held a hand over my mouth. I again heard the sound of voices and footsteps. We both held out breath as the steps drew near. Though they passed without a moments hesitation. We both let out a deep, grateful sigh. I carefully peeked my head out to see nothing but a purple cape wiz around the corner.

When I was sure they were gone I immediately whirred around making a flame appear in my hand. "Explain." I said. He let out a low chuckle. "I knew you would say that." When I didn't say anything else he took a look around the room into the darkness before he headed to a corner. "What are you doing?" I asked starting to follow him.

Instead of answering my question he touched something and I heard a buzz before my vision was invaded with light. "Bingo." I was quick to extinguish my flame as the lights flickered on around the area. I looked around in awe at the room. Surrounding us the walls were lined with a wide assortment of books, potions, and herbs. The room had to tables with  papers scattered across both of them.

I silently walked to one and examined some of the papers. "What is this place?" Prussia asked. I heard his feet shuffle across the stone floor to my location to look over my shoulder to see what I was reading. "Subject analysis?" He asked. I could only shrug in response keeping my cool composure. Most of the things written on the page were impossible to decipher while what we could read made no sense.

I set down the paper and sighed. "This will be no use to us. Why don't you go look at the other table and try to find something somewhat tangible. When he turned to go look for something to read I began to look at the other papers. "This might take awhile." I murmured.

Most of the papers on the table were similar to the first one I looked, along with them being illegible. I was starting to feel frustrated. I had no clue as to where we were nor where the others could possibly be. Not to mention the fact that America and Japan are still missing. "Hey! Norway I think I found something!" I heard Prussia yell.

In an instant I was at his side looking at what he had found. While it was tiny and seemed insignificant it was the only thing we were able to read. "The Herrschaft Experiment?" I read questioningly. "The Domination Experiment." Prussia elaborated. "Today was a success! I think we finally have a chance to escape this hell hole. I wonder what it will be like in the other world. Will there be flowers there. God I haven't seen those in years! I just hope it works this time. I'll do this for you. I will continue your wish." He read.

It's seems they signed at the bottom but it's smudged out I note. "What do you think they're talking about?" The German nation asks. "I don't know. Whatever it is though it doesn't sound good..." I comment. "Ditto." I walk over to one of the shelves and scan its contents. This was one of the ones that held the herbs. I scanned and saw they ranged from normal things like rosemary to things like moonshrooms.

"What is this?" Prussia asks as he swirls around a bottle of pinkish liquid. "I wouldn't touch that if I were you." I commented as I moved aside some of the herbs. "Fine, fine whatever you say." At the back of the bookshelf I saw a small door. I gave a little tug on it to see if it was real. When I tugged it it did move so it was real but it stayed in place. Darn.

"Hey Prussia come over here for a second." I called. He immediately ran to where I was. "Did you find something?" He questioned. "Yeah there's a door at the back of this shelf, but it seems to be locked." I admitted. To prove it I pulled on the dirt again only for it to repeat itself. "Is there a key anywhere?" He asked. "Not that I can see." I replied.

We stood there in silence for a minute as we thought of where it could be. Then a thought came to me. "Are there any other rooms like this near us?" I asked. "Yeah, there are actually." He said. "Can you take me there the key may be there." I asked him as I thought it over. "Sure," he added, "the key can't be that far away."

Let's just hope it's that way...

*and that ladies and gents was the 10th chapter of Silently Suffering. I hope you all are enjoying this book so far. This is a story woven with many other points of view. After this book is finished I am planning on writing other stories to showcase the others parts in these events. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed and I will see all of you next time, Bye!*

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