Chapter 9 : It's You!?

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 9th chapter of Silently Suffering: Book 1. I hope all of you are enjoying this book so far! It means a lot that you are. Anyway let's get into this, shall we?*

His eyes, the lively orbs of ruby red I was accustomed to were now a dull, cold boysenberry color. The sounds of footsteps pounding on the stone floor was heard echoing behind me, getting closer each second. I didn't know what to do. I felt trapped, like I was being suffocated. Before I new what was happening I felt myself being yanked forward.

My mind was still in that foggy haze. Unfocused and not catching up with any movements of my body. I could hear the others footsteps start to slowly get farther away. My mind eventually did catch up to my body. I started to slow down a bit to catch myself, but as soon as I did I was given another sudden yank and kept going at the same pace.

After a few good minutes I had gathered myself enough to fully yank myself out of the grip. I looked around trying to catch my surroundings and whoever had dragged me but was only met with darkness. I was about to summon some sort of spell when my wrist was grabbed. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." A voice, definitely male, warned.

It sounded somewhat familiar but I only knew one thing. It wasn't Romania. Questions started to race through my head about this scenario. Where did Romania go? Who was this man? Where are we?

"Who are you." I demanded, trying to yank my hand free. "We should move. We don't want to get caught now." He said before he grabbed my wrist and we were on the move again. We kept running and running. We didn't even stay still long enough for me to even catch my surroundings. It was as if every time I was close to figuring out where we were, boom it's a turn and I would lose all sense of direction. It felt like a labyrinth. No, it felt like a never ending tunnel system. Heck, we could just be going in a huge circle and o wouldn't know it!

Eventually we came to a stop in a very long hallway. Though just like the others, it was shrouded in complete darkness. I was out of breath from the nonstop sprinting. I gulped in huge breaths of air. "Who... are... you?" I asked still heaving as I stood a little straighter.

Again I was met with silence. "Who. Are. You." I demanded. There was a slight patter in the distance but I ignored it. I couldn't see him like this and he apparently could so magic was out. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before searching for his aura. A little to my side I found a very vibrant orange-red aura.

"It doesn't matter who I am. All that matters is we keep moving." That was all he said before he started to walk away into the ever apparent darkness. I opened my eyes and looked at the direction his aura went. On one hand I didn't have to follow him anymore since I was free from his grip. Yet on the other hand I had absolutely no clue on where the heck we are.

Deciding to go against my gut and leave I turned to where he left. "Hey! Wait up!" I dashed down the hall and it wasn't long before I walked into something, and fell back. "You okay?" The man asked. "Yeah, fine." I said. I felt a rush of wind and knew he had offered his hand.

Since I didn't know the guy I just pushed it away and stood up myself. He huffed a bit displeased before I heard his footsteps again. There was a loud bang, causing the ground to shake. "We should move, getting caught would be so un-awesome."

--------time skip---------

We walked for a little bit longer in silence before he spoke up. "Why did you stay behind instead of going with the rest?" He asked out of nowhere. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "When all the others left after the meeting was postponed." He said like it was the simplest thing ever.

"How do you know about that?" I asked coming to a stop. "I have my ways." He said stopping as well. "Why would you need to know why I stayed behind?" I questioned, my voice filled with venom. "Did you feel like it would help you right your wrongs, like it would give you answers." He questioned, his footsteps getting closer. "Or was it perhaps something else?" He questioned, his breath hot on my face.

I reached my hand out and grabbed the man's shirt collar probably surprising him by the way he jumped. "Who are you." I demanded pulling him to my level. There was a long moment of silence before he took a deep breath. "Alright, I'm-" Right when he was about to answer though a light shone on us blinding me for a moment. When I opened my eyes again I was dumbstruck. "It's you!?"

*And that ladies and gents was the 9th chapter of Silently Suffering and o hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. And with that I'll see all of you next time, Bye!*

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