Chapter 3 : When Will They Believe?

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 3rd chapter of Silently Suffering : Book 1 and I just want to thank all of the people that are reading this. It really means a lot to me. So I really have nothing more to say so without further ado let's get into this, shall we?*

Light illuminated the trolls hand as green holographic people formed in his palm. "Every person has magic coursing through their veins. Yet very few are able to master it." The troll said as light and sparks erupted from a persons hands.

"That is why when someone who comes of age can control that power they and there family and friends are hunted." The troll explained, as a creature came and attacked the two holograms who were normal. The magic user managing to escape.

"That is why we are created." The troll said as a creature appeared in front of the man, extending its hand. Slowly but surely, he grasped its hand. "To help protect." A burst of light happens when they touched hands and the holograms faded. "Everyone has a magical beast or creature to protect them. Wether it be a bunny, a unicorn, even a dragon."

The troll closed his hand before extending it toward the teen. "Can I help you protect the ones you love from the things they can't see or understand?" He extended his hands giving the creatures hand a slight shake before a light appeared blinding him for a second.

"I must go." The troll said. Slowly standing. "If you need me or you face any danger just call me and I will appear." He said heading for the window. "Wait what is your name?" Lukas said stepping forward. " Just call me Troll." He said giving a small smile before vanishing into the night.

~Present time~

It had been over a century since I first met Troll. Once he told me what was happening there was no going back, and I knew that. I had met a few other helpful creature along the way, along with other magic using nations, aka England and Romania, but that also comes with the cost of running into some not so good creatures.

At the time I had found out about my power I didn't believe it. It was something I just couldn't fathom. For a few days I just thought it was all some weird bizarre dream. That is until something appeared. I didn't even know it was going to happen. It seemed like a perfectly normal day, Denmark and I had been running chores.


"Hey Lukas, you okay buddy? You've been spacing out a lot recently." The Dane commented giving said nation a worried look, managing to break him out of his thoughts. "I'm okay." The teen said keeping his stoic exterior. "If you say so." The taller nation said refocusing his gaze on the dirt road in front of them.

A few moments of awkward silence passed between them before something leapt out from the forest, pushing the taller teen over. When the nation feel he hit his head on a stone, managing to knock out the Dane. "Denmark!" The Norwegian yelled running to the unconscious nation. Suddenly a giant wolf appeared in between the two, baring it's teeth at him, letting out a low growl.

What do I do? What do I do! He said mentally slapping himself for leaving his sword at home. The wolf showed no hesitation as it launched at the panicking nation, successfully pinning him down. "Oh no." He whispered before starting to push against the wolf to keep from being mauled.

Then a thought crossed his mind. "T-troll!" He shouted. "Troll I need you right now! Please help!" He shouted. The nation saw a flash of light and the wolf was launched off the teen, smacking against a tree. A loud crack sounded at the contact before falling limp to the ground.

Silently Suffering : Book 1 : Norway (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora