Chapter 11 : Are You Okay?

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*Hello ladies and gents and welcome to the 11th chapter of Silently Suffering. I really am enjoying this book so far and I hope you all are too. Anyway let's get into this, shall we?*

After we left the room Prussia led the way to another room in this labyrinth. This room was slightly different. While it still had bookshelves and tables the room didn't have similar contents. In this room the shelves were lined with old wooden toys and porcelain dolls. On the table sat different crafting and carpenter tools.

"This room is kind of creepy," The Prussian said upon entering. "Yeah." I agreed with a slight nod. "Okay look for anything that might hold the key." I said before going to look at on of the bookcases with the dolls. Each doll on this one looks identical to the rest, all staring with lifeless, unseeing eyes. "Nothing interesting here." I murmur.

I check the next bookshelf which is filled with old wooden toys. Each one is different in one way or another. I reach up and grab one of the ducks. This one is red and has a blue bill. "Hey Nor can you come here for a sec?" I hear Prussia ask. I give the doll one look before I set it down on the floor. I quickly make my way over to where the Prussian is standing.

"Inside the cover of one of the books I found this note." He said motioning to the small stack of books at the table. "What does it say?" I ask. "I haven't read it yet." He replied before he opened it and cleared his throat. "I am not real, as you can see. But the only one who is different, is me." I stood silently as I thought for a moment. "Hmm."

"Something that isn't real and is different from the others." Prussia said as he looked around the room. "I got it!" Prussia said jumping in excitement like a kid who just got the answer on a quiz. "Look at the dolls." He said pointing to their direction. Recognition slowly filled my head as I let out a gasp. "So we have to find the different one then." I added. "Exactly, I'll check the ones on this side while you check the dolls on your side.

Without much resistance I went and looked at the dolls to see what of the possible dolls here could be different from the others. I slowly
scanned over them and noticed that they all wore blue dresses and yellow bows in their brown hair. I looked at them all again before I began to get frustrated. Maybe the doll was on Prussia's side after all?

I quickly made my way to the area that Prussia was checking. "Hey Prussia? Did you find any dolls?" I asked still a bit agitated. "No, did you finish looking already?" He asked placing a doll back on the shelf before grabbing another. "Yeah, and I couldn't find anything." I said as monotonous as ever. "Well you'll never find it if you keep looking so fast." He said before turning to me. "Why don't you go and look at the smaller details." He insisted. "The eyes may even be different."

Wordlessly I made my way back to the bookshelf. I was about to scan it once again when I decided it would be no use to waste my time on a method that doesn't work. I silently looked at each detail of the dolls before my eyes settled on one of them. This doll looked exactly like the others, blue dress, brown hair, yellow bow. Yet, something seemed off.

Upon closer inspection I saw that there was a bit of blue thread sewn across her head. I quickly grabbed the doll before I made my way over to Prussia. "I got it." I said handing him the item. "Was there anything with the doll like another clue?" He asked as he inspected it. I just shook my head no. "Well it appears to be sewed recently so maybe something's in here." Prussia said turning the doll. "Okay let's look for something sharp to cut it with." I said before taking big the doll back.

The tables were covered with many different types of tools, but none of the seemed sharp enough to aid us. "Do you think there was anything sharp in the other room we were in?" I questioned. "I'm not sure but it's worth a shot." He said as he started to leave the room. I followed close behind, still. not understanding the layout.

We were back in the room in no time and we both frantically started to search for anything sharp. In the beginning I was having no luck but eventually I found an old crusted scalpel, with a mysterious liquid dried to it. There was only so much I could hope for but, it would have to do. I quickly got to work at placing the doll on the table and cutting into the stitches.

Having probably seen my enthusiasm, Prussia appeared at my side as I cut the doll. When it was finally cut Prussia stuck his hand in it and started to search for something. Eventually he made a voice of satisfaction as he pulled out a piece of paper from the doll. "Is it another riddle?" I questioned as I leaned back against the table.

"Yeah, this one says, I can be dull or sharp, big or small, I come in many shapes and many sizes but only have one purpose." I sit there for a while before I give a sigh. "I don't know what it could be. Any clue?" I asked him. "No." I sighed before I banged my head against the desk. We were stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"Is there any other rooms in this labyrinth?" I questioned. "Yeah, there were two other rooms I believe." The man said walking up to me. I felt a little woozy for a second before I straightened myself out. "Are you okay?" He questioned. "Yeah." I said, and that was all I said. There was nothing more needed anyway.

*and that ladies and gents was the 11th chapter of Silently Suffering. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I will see all of you next time, Bye!*

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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