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Hello! This is for TimeLordLoki. Enjoy!


* Rylie's POV *

Ugh another boring day at work! I have been working Monday- Saturday from 7am-8pm trying to get my work done that my boss keeps giving me. I've tried telling him I don't have enough time to do it but he doesn't listen. Sighing, I looked at the clock for it to read 7:30 pm. YES! Only a half and out before its time to go home!

Once it turned 8 I grabbed my bag and went to my bosses office to say bye. After I practically ran out of that building. While I was on the streets I passed the Avengers Tower. I have dreamed of working there but I knew I would never qualify. It was pretty dark outside now and cold. I just pulled my jacket tighter around me and kept walking. I lives only a few blocks away from work but it felt like I lived a long ways away. The only light source was the streets lamps and the nearby apartments.

When I was about 10 minutes away from my apartment I felt like I was being watched. I stopped and looked around me. No one was around, not even a street vender. I shrugged it off and kept walking. I was almost to my place when I was pulled into and alley. I tried to scream but there was a hand covering my mouth. During this moment the person pushed me against the brick wall. I was kicking and struggling under this mans weight. I could smell the alcohol in him, it was unbearable. He said "Its okay sweetheart it will all be over soon."

By now I was crying and screaming only to be muffled by his disgusting hand. He leaned with a choke hold on my neck to kiss me but them was thrown against the wall. There was a silhouette of a man holding him. The man said "You disgust me human. You think you can lay your hands on an innocent woman? You despise me." Then proceeded to throw the man into the alley and knock him unconscious.

I was laying on the ground trying to comprehend what had happened when the man kneeled down to my level an said "Are you alright? I'm sorry if I frightened you I am trying to work on that." I looked up at him and got a good look at him. He had shoulder length raven black hair and piercing green eyes. I said in a small voice "Thank you for that. I hope you don't mind me asking but who are you?"

He stood up and offered me a hand. Gladly I took it and stood. He said "My name is Loki and what is your name Midgardian?" I replied "Rylie." He smiled and said "Well Rylie you're very welcome for my help. I must go." Before I could say anything else he ran out of the alley and down the streets. I couldn't believe it! I had just met Loki the God Of Mischief! Smiling I walked out of the alley and up to my apartment. I thought to myself this was the best day ever!

Thanks for reading!

Sorry if it was bad!


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