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This is for @FireBirdSasuke Enjoy

Prompt #5- "I only wanted to make you smile."

*Noelle's POV*

I snuggled into the sofa as Doctor Who played on the screen. The Timelord really knows how to be a smartass and save the planet at the same time. I giggled at a particularly funny line when Wanda came storming into the room. She looked extremely upset as she plopped down on the chair next to me. I sat up and looked at her. What do I say? I want her to be alright. "Hey Wanda, do you wanna watch a movie with me?" I asked, smiling widely.

She gave me a sideways glance and shrugged with a pissed off look on her face. "Oh I know! We could play a game if you want! Like Heads Up or Monopoly! Wait Monopoly will make us nate each other.... Never mind." I ranted on. She still look mad but I wasn't gonna give up. I was filled with determination.

I was about to say something when she turned to me and completely blew up "Noelle, stop! You are making me even more furious than I was!!" I glanced down at me feet and mumbled "I only wanted to make you smile.". Before I could hear her response, I ran to my room and slammed the door. Tears fell down my cheeks. Why does she have to be like that? Deep down, I knew she didn't mean, but I was too distraught at the moment.

Only a few moments passed when I heard a light knock on my door. "Noelle?" Wanda called out quietly. I didn't say anything, waiting for her to go away. "I'm not leaving until you let me in." she sighed. Slowly, I opened the door and Wanda rushed in. She didn't look mad anymore, which was a good thing. There was an awkward silence, before I was pulled into a tight hug. "I'm so so so sorry I blew up at you! I'm just super stressed and Pietro wouldn't shut up and now I made you upset!" She cried into my shoulder.

I gently comforted her and accepted the apology. "It's alright Wands. I forgive you." I whispered in her ear. She pulled away and I wiped away some of her tears. "To make it up to you, how about you show me that one Youtuber you never shut up about." she giggled. I let out a squeal and pulled her over to my desk. "So Good Mythical Morning (or any other Youtube channel) is amazing! You will LOVE it!" 

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed


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