Chapter 4: Introductions Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, Nagito, we get it. That really helps." you hissed.

"I know!" he smiled innocently.

'That bastard!!!' you screamed inside your head.

"Well, I guess I'll just ask you since I won't get anywhere asking her, so... What's her deal?" Hajime asked, turning to Nagito.

"Ah, Mikan is the Ultimate Nurse. If you ever get injured, you'll need her help, so it's best if you get along with her now. If you get wounded and don't treat it, there's a good possibility you'll get an infection and die." he explained smiling.

"Don't say something so morbid so naturally..." Hajime sweatdropped.

All of a sudden, Mikan started to giggle.

"What the actual fuck...?" you muttered to yourself.

"Ah! I-I'm sorry for laughing so suddenly!" she cried. "I-It's just... I can't help it. I'm just so happy, I can't remember the last time I made any friends..." she started to cry again. "Ah, not that you actually want to be friends with me! I'm soooo sorry I said something so... Presumptuous! I'll do anything you say... Just... Please don't hate me...!"

"Bullying a girl... Not cool, guys." Nagito shook his head again.

"Shut up!" Hajime and you said in unison.

"I'm so, so so sorry!" Mikan sobbed.

"It's okay... Just stop apologizing already." you tried to say warmly, failing miserably.

"Eeek, I'm sorry!" She cried.

"That's just embarassed her more..." Hajime murmured.

"Alright, I'm trying, okay???" you snapped.

You looked around the shop, and noticed the hair-horned girl. She glanced around the market curiously, while repeating the "peeking" word over and over again.

Then she noticed you three.

"Oh haiiiiiiiii! Who're you!?" she yelled cheerfully.

"U-Uhm... I'm Hajime Hinata..." Hajime mumbled.

"And I'm [F/N] [L/N]." you introduced yourself.

"Hellooooo? Your tension is super low! Are you two feeling alright?" she asked childishly. "Ah, that's right! Introductions are a go-go!"

"'I', 'Buki', 'Mio', 'Da'! Put it together and what do you get? Ibuki Mioda!" she pointed at herself.

"All right, introductions are finished! More importantly, check out this bombastic supermarket! They got hamburger, ramen noodles, chili beans, bratwurst, pasta

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"All right, introductions are finished! More importantly, check out this bombastic supermarket! They got hamburger, ramen noodles, chili beans, bratwurst, pasta... Ooooh, melons!" Ibuki cheered. "Americans, Chinese, Mexicans, Germans, Italians... And even people from Yubari would shop here!" she started to jump like a little kid. "Man, I'm getting hellaaaaaa stoooked! I'm thirty-one flavors of stoked for all of this deliciousness!" And then she started to sweat hardly. "And when I'm excited, I get hungry-mungry! I-I don't understand it myself... Why do I get hungry when I'm excited? Why do I get excited when I'm hungry?" After that, she was cheerful again. "Kyahaha, the human body sure is a mystery!"

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