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Hey you guys.

Okay, so... I'mma ask this...

I've got a few comments on "Hey, is this the book's end?" or "I won't continue because one update per two months is not enough".

And you're right.

I update AWFULLY rarely. But, no matter what I do, I just can't update more often.

I'm in my 8th grade, I've got exams, it's the year of getting in new schools, I have to study, like, a lot. And then I have a baby brother who I gotta watch quite often. And then there are homeworks and stuff, without the learning on exam stuff. AND I didn't mention my other... 2-3? books I gotta write regularly, AND then I'm a real person too who wants to have free time too. And then there are my social problems which you don't have to know about in detail, too.

It's quite obvious, right? I have very very very little time to write this book.

So, I give you guys three choices.

I don't wanna let you guys just keep waiting and nothing comes. That's where I've got the thought of the awful idea of... deleting this book.

An at least 3-4 months long hiatus, cause that's the time where these exam things end. I don't know if I will have much free time then either so I don't know if this choice is trustable.

I need a person who can update AT LEAST once/week. That person will have to follow the guide I write for them in pm, because the story has a few lines you can't go down from. That person will have to be trustable and creative enough to continue this. Of course, they can always ask for help or ideas from me. The book would be put on that person's account and would be deleted from this one, not immediately - I'd put a chapter where you can reach the book's continue, and then this book would be up for one plus month.

If you want to apply, please do NOT do that in the comments, BUT in private message or on my message board.

I will be reading the book when I can. If I see something I don't appreciate, like writing something that I really really really don't like (I basically won't question your ideas), or being rude to the readers, you are immediately deleted from the post.

THAT IS if you guys choose Choice C.

To silent readers: please answer my question. This is very important. If I don't get any kind of answer in a week, I automatically choose Choice A.

Please choose wisely.

Thank you.

When Everything Goes Dark [SDR2 x Reader] [UNFINISHED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora