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A new blog?

I was opening up my computer as I settled into bed after such a long, yet wonderful, day in Vegas.

This new blog appeared to be written by a male, as the signature was 'NotThatGuy'. So original.

He only had one post that was written a day ago, but it was pretty popular. It had two times the reads that my first blog got, how?

His name is completely unoriginal and the blog was rather amateur. He used a lot of slang and had no substance in the writing itself! This is shameful. How did he get three times the read and a thousand subscriptions.

Something clicked in my mind and I opened up my blog in a seperate tab.

I scrolled to the subscriptions box; where people can follow the blog and recieve emails whenever I posted something.

Looking at my numbers compared to his, it wasn't good. At this rate, a couple more of his blogs and he could easily double the followers and make my blog look like our school paper.

Unread and basic. Speaking of which, someone should really fire the Juniors in charge of it.

Opening up Word on my computer I pulled out my notebook that I use to write down stories for my blog. I also grabbed my camera that is, obviously, used to take pictures.

I began to revise what I had written in my notebook into a blog format;

"The hotel I ended up at was very cool and in the heart of Vegas..."

.......10 Hours Ago in Vegas.......

The hotel we ended up at was this really cool one in the heart of Vegas. Me and my mom practically ran up to the room so we could throw our luggage in and explore this new city we had ventured into, I decided to post an update on my blog about Vegas a month after we get back so no one would be able to put together the pieces of me being missing at Vegas and a post about Vegas suddenly coming up.

One thing my mom was actually right about was the street performers and amazing buffets. In fact, right below our room in the lobby, they had a delicious buffet with international cuisine! It tasted as if a world class chef had made it. I would really want to know how much this thing costs, its crazy nice, but I can't just be like Hey much did this cost? That would be rude.

We finished our lunches at the buffet and mom had to literally drag me because it was so yummy, I was about to cry. It was surprising when people didn't stare, I guess this is a normal occurance for Vegas.

I pulled out my yellow journalist notebook to begin a draft on a food entry. It is decorated with pastel green swirls and blue dots. My pen was pastel purple (is it too easy to guess I am addicted to pastel colors?) with a darker purple fuzz ball at the top. I loved it so much because whenever I wrote with it it shook so slightly and looked like a fuzzball of purple was running across my paper.

I wrote in the notebook a very detailed descripion about the delicious meal that traveled into a pit of acids. It wasn't that detailed, but I made sure it was good enough to make the reader drool.

We were currently heading to an unknown place. Knowing my mom, it will most likely be a street show or casino. We walked up to a very tall, silver building called 'The Cosmopolitan'. Is this a bar?

"Mom what is this?" My eyebrow rose the highest I think it has ever been.

"This is....give me a drumroll honey.."

"No." I crossed my arms instead and turned to completely face her.

"Ok, party pooper...this is...A CASINO!" She finished the expression with jazz hands and an oscar worthy smile.

"Mom, I already said I don't have a fake I.D. and you are supposed to be an example, you know, a role model...."

"Oh hun, give up the GG act. Here, I made you a card." She handed a fake I.D. with my height, age and everything else on there perfectly and correct. "Just remember, you are 24, ok? If they ask then you need to know it by the back of your head. And absolutely no alcohol."

"Mom...this is beyond creepy! You got everything correct on here, where do you even get these made? And what happened to the Excalibur Hotel Casino place?"

"Hun. Shut up. Please. Just go, have fun, live life, and don't do anything you will regret the next day! The other place can wait! Sorry!" With that she ran off in the direction of the entrance to the casino. I swear this isn't normal.

Walking into the direction of the casino I had a look of pure guilt on my face. I guess this is good for me though, I mean, my mom called me a goody-goody. Speaking of my mom, she wasn't even in sight anymore. Maybe I could just turn around and go eat some more..that food was very yumm-

"Ma'am." A deep voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh huh? Yes?"

"I.D.? This casino is 21 and up." He had muscles and a freshly shaven face.

"Oh yeah..sorry. I was having second thoughts." He didnt even blink, just stood with his hand out as if expecting money from winning a bet. I flung the I.D. from my clammy hands to his rough, over-used ones.

"Thanks. Have fun." He handed the card back and allowed me inside.

This will be an interesting experience I thought as I walked inside.


"Well..I won us $250 at this amazing game named Spanish 21! If you got more than that then you're paying for both of our dinners." Our casino fun day ended and my mom couldn't stop bragging about her 'skills' in a casino.

"I kinda got negative numbers.." I was scratching my head and mumbling the words, I mean, how embarrassing is this. I lost money. In the easiest game in the casino.

"Oh hun..I guess my skills didn't get passed down. It's ok. Dinner on me, probably would've ended up that way anyways. Lets go." With that we headed away from the casino towards a place in the strip for dinner.


SO sorry for the wait! School projects, field trips, show choir, swimteam, exams, state wide tests, and my personal life had gotten in the way of me updating! It made me smile like crazy when comments were left by @Varshasarawagi, also who this chapter is dedicated to because of the comments, and then personal help from @_Hi_There for story layout and so on :)

I know this was rather short but I just really wanted y'all to have an update!! I will write another soon, especially since tomorrow is my last day of school!! So an update will be up momentarily on here and my other story!

Thanks again for the comments, reads, votes, and fan art! Sending in the fan art (for either story) gives you a dedication to that chapter and mention! :)


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