Side Effects

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Ally's POV

I was downstairs eating my breakfast when I heard a honk outside, what the world? I walked over to the window in the front of our house and saw Colton's car out there. What is he doing here? I grabbed my bookbag figuring why not get a head-start to school after dealing with this stalker then screamed to my mom letting her know I was leaving early.

I walked up to his window tapping hard enough to get his attention away from his phone. He has a severe addiction to that device.

"There you are, I thought you might've already left by now. You are really slow, you know." Colton said while lowering the window and shutting off his phone.

"No, I was eating peacefully. Why are you here anyways? You do know I can get to school on my own, right? I only tripped." I tried to show annoyance with my expression and voice but I don't think he caught on.

"Well, I am here to take you to school, quite obviously. I get lonely and I'm pretty sure you get lonely too. You only talked to teachers the entire day yesterday." I could tell he was getting bored because he turned his phone back on and was playing Flappy Bird. A curse coming out of his mouth every time the bird hit a pipe and fell.

"Uhm, alright, listen here, I do not get lonely, I am perfectly fine and if you are so desperate to not be lonely, go make some friends! I am not the only person in that school you know!" I huffed and walked away, making it clear that even his small brain could recognize that I was annoyed. He can't just be rude, give me Advil and then expect me to be his best friend.

I was actually quite glad when I heard his car starting up. He rolled out of my driveway and sped away towards school. I waited until he made it to the main road and then I started to wan.

I pushed the big doors open and walked into school. I arrived at my locker and put in the combination. I was schockingly met by a note fluttering towards the floor. I caught a glimpse of it before it got too far down and noticed the very neat handwriting on it; the notes size was rather disappointing really, I could read that handwriting all day.

I grabbed my bookbag and three textbooks then bent down to pick up the note. It had to be Colton, who else knew that I was even a student here? And teachers wouldn't leave notes in students lockers so the anonymous factor of the note quickly faded away. I picked up it up and didn't even get to read the first line before someone knocked me into my locker door. I hit my head and spots entered my vision dancing the light away.

"Hello? Are you okay? Are you new here? I am so sorry!" I heard a deep voice saying. I looked in the direction the voice was coming at me from but only saw the blurry outline of Carter Tamine, we had been at the same schools for two years but these were the first four sentences he had ever said to me.

"No you idiot! I have been in the same school as you for two years. Just..excuse me. You kinda made my concussion a lot worse."

I couldn't bear the pain, I pushed him aside and walked out the school doors. I had my hand on my head and kept walking until I reached the woods beside the school building. I had been here before for data collection for a science experiement so I knew exactly where I was going, the creek. It was quiet and had really soft patches of grass and leaves. And I worked alone, obviously, so I was the only one who knew where this spot was.

Colton's POV 7:34

I walked inside and stuffed the note inside Ally's locker. I opened up mine getting the correct books out and putting my other ones in their place then glanced around and spotted the basketball team across the hall. Ally is the one who said I need new friends.

"Hey guys, whats up?" I asked while walking up casually.

"Aye man, nothing much. Aren't you that freshman who was stalking us from the sidelines?" A roar of laughter erupted from the team around us.

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