20 ➳ Suffer The Consequences

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Someone will love you

~Sasha's POV~

"I'll see you at lunch, enjoy history!" Y/n said while waving goodbye over her shoulder, knowing how much I hated my history class.

"Goodbye, Y/n, hope you enjoy Gastro's lecture!" I say back, knowing she hated her boring science teacher.

"Hey!" She snaps back, pointing at me and walking back up to me. "You know I hate when people do that."

"I was just being sarcastic like you were," I shrug slightly confused, "I don't see a problem here."

"No, not that, the 'goodbye' thing," she whined, "you know I hate that!"

"Oh yeah, I never asked why you don't like that though."

"It's because the word 'goodbye' is way too, well, permanent, y'know?" Y/n tries to explain to me. "It sounds like it's the last thing we'll ever say to each other, so that's why I don't like the word."

"You're weird." I joke, scrunching up my nose.

"And you're not?" She says and we laugh. "Well we're gonna be late, so, um..."

"Good-," I start, knowing how she wants to finish this conversation.

"-Bye." She smiles as she finished the word. Y/n likes it when we do this together instead of saying the full word by itself. Then she departs in the opposite direction, speed walking to insure that she was not late to her class.

I watched her turn the corner and after that I headed over to the girls' bathroom, standing silently in there on my phone while waiting for the bell to ring, signaling class to start.

The bell rang and I stepped out, looking across the hall by the door to the boys' bathroom, watching Zenix mirror my actions. We shared an all-knowing smirk and we began to silently wander the halls together, occasionally murmuring something about how annoying our peers are.

Most of the current class passes by, we make smalltalk almost the entire time as we memorized the hallway monitors schedule and avoided getting in trouble.

"Do you think Gene and Y/n will ever get together?" Zenix blurted in the middle of my story.

Sighing because I was interrupted, I changed the subject to what he wanted to talk about. "Irene I hope, have you noticed that weird romantic tension that happens every one in awhile?"

"You don't have to remind me." Zenix said as he rolled his eyes. "We've known this was inevitable since your cousin's wedding, but oh my Irene it's taking way too long."

"It's getting ridiculous." I agreed. "Hey, hasn't Y/n told you about what's happening at home? Isn't this dumb fight between her and her brother been going in long enough?"

"He hasn't even told her about why he is mad at her," Zenix said, "sibling drama must be the worst."

"Yeah, I—"

"Speak of the devil." Zenix interrupts me again. I groan at his bad habit and try to see what he is talking about.

Looking up from my shoes, I see Tony wandering the halls with the same intentions as Zenix and I, but he is distracted while he stares down at his phone.

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