Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: A rumble

I got jumped last night, I'm laying in bed with Dal currently.
"Im Ok Dal, lets get some sleep" I say
"It's ok, or at least it will be"
"What do you mean?" I ask
"There's gonna be a rumble, I just got off the phone with Darry. It's tomorrow night at the lot" he says back, "but no blades, just a fair fight" he adds
"I love you Dally" I say and drift off to sleep in his arms

I wake up to dal getting dressed, he and the boys are gonna prepare all day for the rumble tonight, I don't fight but I'm gonna go. In case someone tries some funny business, I'm a witness. I'll sit in Dals car, to drive too if that's needed.
It's 11:15 I slept in, and he's obviously been waiting for me
"Hey, you ain't been up long have you?" I ask
"A little, you needed some rest so I didn't want to wake you. You want to go to the Curtis'?" He asks
"Yeah, I'll get dressed and we'll go" I say, I get up and put on some loose grey pants, and a blue shirt, with Dals jacket my black converse, and my hair is in a loose ponytail.
We walk to the Curtis' house and sit on the couch,
"Hey! How ya feeling?" Asks Darry
"I'm alright, a little sore though. Thanks for fixing me up yesterday" I say
"Don't worry about it, you guys ready to prep?" Asks Darry
"YEAH let's go!" Says Steve, the guys get up and go out to the back yard, I sit on the steps watching them and laughing ever so often.
The guys are ready, and i know I shouldn't worry but I do. I always will.
It's 7:30, and we gotta go now! Dal and me go to bucks and get his car, I drive us to the lot where the guys are already throwing punches, I kiss dally and tell him to be safe
"I'll be fine" he smirks and runs down, I watch nervously, eventually the socs leave, WE WON!
Dal and pony come up to me and hop in the car, and we're off to see Johnny. Gotta tell him the good news! They won't mess with us no more.
I drive us there quickly, and get to the hospital. We run in and Johnny's awake,
"Hey Johnny" I say
"Hey Amber, Dal, Pony" He says
"Johnny man, we won. The socs won't mess with us no more Johnny" says Dal
"That's real good dal, hey pony come here" he says
He whispers something to Pony, and pony steps back
"Amber, I love you. Dal be good to her, Ponyboy stay gold" he says and the monitor starts beeping real fast, a nurse runs in and tells us to get out.
Johnny's dead.

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