Chapter 1: Amber Rose Cade

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This is my new book!! I had wrote one almost 2 years ago, and ended up deleting it because I wasn't sure how to continue it. This book is dedicated to my best friend, Brooklyn. She had helped me with some of the small details about this book, so thanks bitch!
And now, without further a do, lets get on with the book!

Chapter 1: Amber Rose Cade

Hi, I'm Amber Rose Cade, but everyone calls me "Rosie" cause I have rosy cheeks and my middle name is Rose. I only have one sibling, an older brother, his name is Johnny Cade, he's only a couple months older than me, he's 16 too. He's a great big brother, he's very protective but in a town like Tulsa it's not the worst thing to be protected.

I live with my two parents, they're very abusive, and total drunks. I hate having to see them, my brother hates me living here, he kinda lives a little everywhere. Sometimes he sleeps in the lot, or at the Curtis' house, he wants me to move out, and move in with the Curtis's, it's not the worst idea at this point. I just haven't worked up the nerve to pack up my things and get out, its hard to do things without my parents beat'n on me for it. But I'm getting very close to packing up and getting out of this shit hole of a house, it's no home.

I woke up to a quiet house, not surprising it's 7:00 am, why would my parents be up? Exactly they wouldn't. Hell, I don't even know if they're home.

I got out of bed, fixed the covers and pillows and went to the bathroom just outside my room.
I looked in the mirror, that was cracked from one of my fathers many drunk nights, but this was from before he started hitting his family. Which made my mom start hitting us too, that was when I was about 6 years old, how could you hit your child? It amazes me.
I use the restroom, and go back to my bedroom, I get dressed, wearing a blue v-neck t-shirt with a grey sweater, black leggings and my white converse, I throw my long brown hair into a loose ponytail. I grab my school bag and I'm out the door, being as quiet and quick, as possible.
I walk down the street to the lot, where I find Johnny sleeping against the tree.

I shake his arm "Johnny wake up! We gotta go to the Curtis'! Oh Johnny come on wake up please " He finally wakes up and looks at me with a glare, "Alright I'm up" he says rubbing his eyes.

"Come on Johnny let's go" I say putting my hands on my hips
"Alright.. Come on, *yawns* lets go" he says stretching

We walk all the way down to the Curtis house, we don't even knock on the door anymore, this is our real home. Darry just finished making breakfast, Pony is at the kitchen table,
finishing his homework and the rest of the guys are watching Mickey Mouse on tv, except Dally, he's the only one in the gang not here. Wonder where he is?

"Morning Rosie! Morning Johnnycakes" says two, hissing the 's'. "morning two" I say and he continues watching Mickey
I walk into the kitchen and lay my bag down next to the table, sitting in the chair next to Pony. He's like my best friend, we're really alike and have a lot in common, and I know what you're probably thinking and no, we aren't dating.
"Morning Amber" Pony says looking up quickly from his book and returning to it
"Morning Pony, whatcha working on?" I ask looking at his books
"Oh, just some homework" he answers
"Should have done it last night, instead of watching tv with the guys till almost 11:30 in the night" says Darry "but no you never use your head" he continues
"Alright Darry I understand" says pony annoyed
"Not my fault you don't use your head, so don't get pissy with me" he says looking him in the eye
"Guys calm down, it's 7:34 in the morning" I say looking at the clock
"You're right Rosie" says Darry, I smile and walk out to the living room sitting on the couch watching Mickey with the guys when in comes Dally, "I swear to god I could kill something, man" he says with his hands on his head
"What's wring dal?" Asks Soda
"Sylvia, little broad was cheating on me when I was in the cooler last week" he says pulling out a smoke and sitting next to me, he lights it and breathes out heavily blowing a big cloud of smoke
"So what'd you say to her?" I ask curiously
"I told her I wanted nothing to do with her anymore" he replies
"Smart. " I say, looking back to the tv. I've always had a little thing for Dally, but I don't think he likes me back, he'd never go for someone like me, if anything he'd go for my best friend, Kate Martin. She's any greasers dream girl, Johnny doesn't like me hanging around with her, but it's cool.

We all eat the breakfast Darry cooked, eggs and bacon.
"Alright guys, Ponyboy, Johnny Two-bit,and Rosie you four better get going or else you'll be late to school, it's already 8:15" said Darry, taking Soda and Steve to his truck, they were heading to work. In case you didn't know, Steve and Soda work together at the DX and Darry works with roofing.

"Yeah, you're right Dar, come on guys let's go" I say walking outside, and Johnny, Pony, Two-bit and I all walk to school, we just got there in time- thank god. I am a straight 'A' student and Johnny wants me to go to college and hopefully have a better life out of Tulsa, but I love it here, so I don't think I could ever leave, even with the Socs and all, Tulsa is still beautiful.

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