Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Living and breathing?

I lost Johnny and almost lost Dally. He'll be ok.
I can't deal with losing people anymore. It's getting too much. I hate this feeling.
I'm back at Bucks, laying in bed. Crying.
I gotta go get Dal soon, he's being let out. Thank god.
I get up out of bed, and grab the car keys, I hop in the car, that dal and I pretty much share. I drive down to the hospital and meet him at the door, he kisses me and we hug for a few moments.
"Let's go home baby" He says and I nod. We get in the car, and drive home.
We walk in, and Buck immediately smiles at the two of us, Dals arm around me.
"Hey buck" dal says, he hasn't seen Buck in while
"DALLY!" He says extremely excited
"How ya been man?" Asks Dal
"Oh I'm fine. It's you I'm worried about" He starts "you soon gotta settle down kid" says Buck
"I know, which is why I want to take Amber here, out tonight" he says looking down to me
"Yeah sure, leave in a bit? So I can change?" I say,
"Yeah sure" he nods
We go upstairs and get dressed, we go outside and start walking to the hideout.
We just laughed around while walking, talking about our best memories about Johnny.
We go inside the hideout to see a set up, he's been planning it. I sit to a small table with two plates made on it, I turn around to Dally
"You was planning this?" I ask
"Yep, I asked Darry and the guys to set it up for us when I was in the hospital. Do you like it?"
"Like it? I love it." I say
"C'mon lets eat" we eat, and talk.
We stand by the pond and look off to the distance.
"Hey Amber?"
"Yeah dal?"
"You know I love you right?"
"Of course dal, and I love you too" I say
"Good, So Uhm I have something to ask you" he says
"What is it?" I ask,
"Close your eyes" he said, I close my eyes
"Ok turn around" I do so
"And now, open your eyes" he says I can't believe my eyes when I see him on his knee, holding his beloved silver ring  out to me, was he proposing to me? Me, just a weird girl whose basically an orphan, but I guess that doesn't matter to Dally. I didn't know why he loved me so much.
"Amber Rose Cade" He starts breaking me from my blistering thoughts.
"I know I haven't been the best to ya, but I love you with all I am. I am doing all I can to change for you, to be better for you. I love you, will you marry me?" He Asks

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