Chapter 15

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[Reader's POV]

The fan made a clicking noise as it rotated above me. Namjoon had left a few hours ago for work, leaving only myself and Jin alone in the house.

It was mostly myself considering Jin disappears somewhere every once in a while. The past couple of days were nothing but boredom. Namjoon had instructed me to not leave the house while I stayed with him unless he was with me 24/7.

Even if I wanted to subside the boredom there wasn't much to do without having to go out. Usually when I was like this, Taehyung would be around to keep me company or entertain me. But sadly, he wasn't.

The only surprising thing that happened over the course of a few days was my mom calling. She hasn't called ever since I moved out of the house and into my own place, all she wanted to know was how I was paying for the apartment. Of course she didn't care too much about my accident but that was normal for someone like her.

Small back story, my moms a bitch. I didn't have a father growing up due to him walking out on my mother when she found out she was pregnant. In my first nine years of life, all I could remember was of my mother yelling or hitting me for breathing.

The only good thing that came out of her was my friendship with Jimin and Namjoon. My mom was friends with Jimin's mom I often stayed over at his house when she decided to go drinking with her friends. Both Namjoon and Jimin were friend's before so it worked out well.

When the boys found out about my mother's abuse they kept me close. Jimin's mother soon found out about it all took action by telling child protection services. At the age of ten I was taken away from her and Jimin's mom took custody of me.

The older I got the more I forgot about her until only days ago, surprising me when she knew I lived on my own.

The door slams from downstairs and footsteps were heard running up the stairs and from the hallway.

A quick knock comes to the door and before I could answer, Jimin opened the door. "How'd you get in?" I ask.

"The door," Jimin pants and places his hand on his knee to catch his breath. "Was unlocked? I came to bring you lunch but when I noticed the door was open I panicked and-"

"Jimin it might've been Namjoon forgetting to lock the door, you know he forgets stuff like that." He nods his head and sits down next to me on the bed. "Did you at least bring lunch?" I ask.

He holds up a small bag filled with food making me smile in delight. Jimin helps me get out of bed and down the stairs to eat.

"How's staying with Namjoon?" Jimin asks taking a bite of his food. I shrug my shoulders.

"Its okay I guess, he barely lets me do anything besides eat and sleep." I pick at my food a little. "I'm lonely and bored without Taehyung though. Jin is nice company but all he talks about is food." Jimin laughs.

"I wish I could help Y/n, I really do." I look down at my food and pick at it some more. "Do you know when you're going back to your apartment?"

"Probably never," I mumble. Jimin sets his chopsticks down and grabs my face to look at him.

"Y/n, I love you, Namjoon loves you, but you can't stay here forever."

I grab Jimin's hands and move them to the counter. "I know. Namjoon and I decided to have me go back in a few days. I just don't want to walk into that apartment and not see Taehyung on my couch waiting for me. Before the accident that's most likely what he was doing and I never showed up, that evening was the last time I ever saw him Jimin. Do you know how much this is haunting me? It breaks my heart." I finally admit. It took a lot to tell Jimin this, he may be my best friend but we don't always tell each other everything.

The room becomes quiet as Jimin and I start to eat. Namjoon walks in a few minutes later and smiles at me for finally coming out of my room.

Jin appears next to him and sits down with Jimin and I. "You ready to go back Y/n?" He asks.

I swallow my food and look at Jin. I had a feeling he was somehow listening to mine and Jimin's conversation, leaving me to say truth.

"Not really, but I'll survive." I confirm. Jimin and Jin both smile towards me.

Some day I'll get over Taehyung being gone, that day will probably take it's time getting here but it'll happen.

I'm sure of it.

Apartment Hauntings| Kim Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now