Chapter 2

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[Reader's POV]

I stare at the man in front of me. He just stood at the end of my bed with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean 'ghost of this apartment'?" I ask. Taehyung walks over and sits down.

"I used to live here, until I died that is..." He trails off.

I felt sorry for him considering he's most likely been alone until I moved in.

"I'm sorry." I apologise. There was nothing for me to apologise about, but I still felt the need to.

Taehyung just looks at me and smiles. "Don't apologise. You're here now so I'm not alone,"

For some reason that made me smile. "Unless that guy comes back...then I'll disappear and you won't see me." He threatens.

I raise my brow in confusion. What guy? The only guy that's been here was..

"Jimin?" I ask. Taehyung crosses his arms and turns away from me making me laugh. "Taehyung, Jimin is gay." I say.

Taehyung looks at me with confusion written on his face. "He's wh-what?"

"Gay, Jimin's gay. He even has a boyfriend so you don't have to worry about him." I say.

Taehyung gets off the bed and walks through the wall and into the living room.

I stare at the wall with wide eyes. "Do you always do that?" I yell rushing out of bed and into the living room where Taehyung sat.

"Sometimes, just when I like to freak people out. The old lady next door got so freaked out she had a heart attack..." Taehyung trails off.

I stare at the back of his head. "Well I don't want to die, so don't do that."

"No promises."

I throw my hands up in the air and sigh. I'm literally having a full conversation with a ghost right now. When will I ever...

"Since its late I'm going to bed. No passing through walls while I'm asleep." I say and go back to my room.

As soon as I shut my door I slide down the wall and rub the sides of my head.

"All I wanted was to live in a small apartment, go to college and live my life, not live in an apartment with a hot ghost mate."

"You think I'm hot?" Taehyung says with his head sticking through the wall.

"Goodnight Taehyung!" I yell. Taehyung huffs and leaves the wall for the living room.

I stand from my spot on the floor and slouch towards my bed.

As soon as my body hits the mattress I was out.

[Taehyung's POV]

I walk back to the living room and throw myself onto the couch. It was nice and soft.

Before Y/n had moved in I slept on the roof where I could see everything, it was nice, but this is nicer.

My thoughts ran back to earlier in the day when she moved in. I followed her around the apartment, I know it sounds creepy but what else was I supposed to do?

I knew she felt like someone was watching her since I'm able to feel what she feels if it's a strong enough feeling.

After laying on the couch for a bit I got bored. "I wonder if she's still awake."

I jump up from the couch and walk into her room to see her in a dead sleep.

Haha get it? Cause I'm dead.

Her body wasn't even covered with blankets making me sigh. "Dummy, you'll get sick." I say and cover her with the blankets.

She moves around for a bit before getting comfortable. I look at her for a bit and chuckle to myself.

"She thought I was hot," I chuckle. "You're not too bad yourself Y/n."


"Shit shit shit." Y/n says to herself while rushing around the apartment.

I sit up from my spot on the couch and watch her pace around the house.

"Aha!" She says holding up a stack of papers. "Oh, morning Taehyung." She says.

I wave at her. "Morning. Where are you off to today?" I ask noticing how she was dressed and was in the process of putting her shoes on.

I wasn't all that interested in where she was going, I just didn't want to be alone again...

"I'm going to class but I'll be back in a few hours." She says.

Before I could respond she rushes out the door and leaves with a slam. "Okay bye Y/n!" I yell.

Guess I'm alone today. Again...

But that's okay, she said she'd be back in a few hours. I hope...

Apartment Hauntings| Kim Taehyung x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن