Chapter 12

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[Taehyung's POV]

The clock ticks as I wait for Y/n to come home. It was close to five o'clock in the morning and she left over ten hours ago.

Keys jingle at the other side of the door before opening, I jump up from the couch in excitement "Y/n you're- Jimin?" I say.

Jimin gives me a small smile and closes the door before sitting down. "What're you doing here?" I ask.

"I came to get Y/n's stuff, but before I do I need to talk to you," He says. I sit back down next to him. "Y/n is in the hospital due to a car accident." He says. I stare at him in belief.

His hands place themselves on his thighs to stand. "I've just come to get a few of her things for when she wakes up."

"She isn't awake?" I ask standing up abruptly. "Can I come with you? For when she does wake up?"

Jimin smiles and nods his head. "She would like that." Jimin gathers her things and we soon leave for the hospital.

On our way to the hospital I kept quiet, being too occupied with my hand that took my attention.

Jimin looks over at me briefly before turning back to the road. "What's wrong with your hand? Is it suppose to do that?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know, it just kind of started to disappear over the last couple of hours. It isn't that big of a portion so I'm not too worried." I say.

Jimin stays quiet while pulling into the hospital parking lot. Twisting and turning a few corners of the hospital we walk into Y/n's room that she was staying in and where Namjoon had made himself comfortable.

"Namjoon," Jimin whispers to the sleeping man. He jolts awake, accidentally slapping Jimin. "That wasn't very nice!" He whisper yells.

While those two argued I walked over to Y/n's bed and sat down. "Even covered in bruises and casts you're still beautiful." I grab her hand but soon retract it away as soon as she twitched.

I go to do it again, her hand twitching even more the longer I hold it there. Namjoon looks over with a raised brow. "Tae? What're you doing?" He asks.

I usher him over and touch her hand again. "Why is she doing that?" I ask but Namjoon just shakes his head in confusion.

"Touch another part of her body." He instructs. I put my hand on her shoulder, her whole body now shaking. I knew I had to let go, but I couldn't. Her heart moniter began speeding up the longer I held it there, everyone in a sudden panic.

"Taehyung take your hand away!" Jimin yelled. My hand doesn't move and my eyes never leave her face. "Taehyung!" Jimin yells and pushes me to the ground.

A doctor and nurse came running in, ushering the two boys out. Jimin begins to pace in front of us while Namjoon sat down with his head in hands.

"Why'd you do that? I told you to let go and yet you didn't. You could've-"

"Jimin I told him to do it again, don't just attack-" Jimin cuts him off.

"He could've moved his hands away and he didn't. You could've killed her Taehyung." I look down at my lap, noticing how my hand has disappeared even more.

Namjoon looks down at my hand and gasps. "Holy shit, when did that start happening?" He asks changing the subject.

"Sometime last night, I don't know what it means..." I say. Namjoon grabs my wrist and looks at my hand.

"Are you sure you aren't...disappearing?" He asks. "This could just be a theory but I think this is a sign Taehyung."

I stare at Namjoon with wide eyes. I mean, he could be right. This could be a sign that they're close to finding my body and its just preparing me.

My arm goes limp and I lose my vision for a brief moment. "Tae? Are you okay?" Namjoon asks.

I nod my head slowly and look up to see Jimin gone, most likely back in Y/n's room. Namjoon stands from his seat and looks at me, asking if I was going back in but I shake my head.

I didn't want to hurt her again.

Before I could disappear off to somewhere Namjoon stopped me. "Keep an eye on that hand and come to me if it gets worse." He says before walking into her room.


I found myself always going back to the same spot I was killed at, a now frozen lake.

When I arrived I could see a few people ice skating, giving off how cold it really was.

I was lucky they couldn't see me when I started to walk over the ice. I get to the far end of the lake and look down, my body no where in sight.

It was sad really, I could be living the best of my life right now. I used to have good friends and a good job but it all of a sudden went down the drain the night I decided to go out.

I hated myself. If only I had stayed in with my sister, Eon Jin. She had told me not to go out but I did it anyway and look where it got me?

Tears began to fall onto the ice, freezing instantly. I could hear kids screaming behind me and the adults yelling at them to get away.

I look up from the ice and see a group of people gathered around a certain area of the ice and a few people on the phone, talking quickly.

Walking over slowly I weave my way through and look down. My eyes widen and my heart was all of a sudden in my stomach.

A few kids ran away crying to their parents while some had their heads buried in their shoulder.

My knees had collapsed underneath me. "Holy shit..." I whisper. From others point of view this was of course horrifying, but from mine it was worse.

"Please hurry, there's a body underneath the ice!" I overhear someone yell into their phone.

It was mine. My body had been found.

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