I turned back around, realizing he seemed a bit annoyed with me, “Well, I mean I assumed she would’ve beat me to it considering she’s spending nights here and all.”

“You’ve been in school for three days.”

“Anyways,” I soon wanted to desperately change the subject and escape, “I’ll be getting dressed in my room.”

Shawn spoke, “That’s what I thought.”

I slammed my door behind him as I witness Blair nearly jumping out the bed, “What the fuck?”

“We’re going to school.”

“You’re fucking with me right?”

I pulled out some clothes from my closet and walked into the bathroom, allowing Blair to follow me. I responded, “Shawn’s forcing me to go to school and I’m pretty sure Megan threatened to fail me if I didn’t.”

“She can’t really do that can she?”

“Listen, I don’t want to be a five year graduate, much less a sixth. She told me today was important. And if I have to go to school, then you do too.”

I tugged off my shirt and watched as Blair’s mouth hang open in shock, “You’re trying to kill me aren’t you?”

I threw off the rest of my clothes and stepped into the shower, ordering, “Find some clothes cause you need to shower after me.”

I just really couldn’t believe Shawn and Megan were tag-teaming me like this, making me go to school with only four hours of sleep. I was going to die and most likely sleep through all of my classes, including Megan’s.

School seemed nearly impossible right now.

I scrubbed my hair vigorously, knowing I smelt of cigarette smoke as I began to rinse my body off. I closed my eyes, feeling the growing headache in my skull as the tiredness threatened to paralyze me in the shower.

I forced myself out, wrapping myself in the towel as I stepped into my room, seeing Blair passed out on my bed.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing her leg and tugging her out of the bed and onto the floor, “Go shower dammit, you smell like a hooker.”

She stood, looking at me as she yawned, allowing her morning breath to burn through my nostrils. I gagged silently as I followed her into the bathroom, “Oh my God, it smells like something died in there.”

“That’s what you get for doing this to me.”

I brushed my teeth as she undressed, watching her lazily step into the shower as I came to terms with the fact that I had just watched her get in the shower. I was gay, yes, and I distanced myself from people, but I had just watched my best friend get into the shower.

Assisting Miss Adams (GirlXGirl) OLD VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now