Part 8

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The world came into view for a brief second before blacking out again. Noise echoed around him and he had to strain to concentrate on any one train of discussion. Naruto groaned, his head rolling to the side as his hands reached out to bat the world away – turn off the sun.

He felt so content... minus the stinging kink in his neck, and the knot in his back, and the cramp in his thigh, and- Well all right, he wasn't content per se. He was just so tired that all his pains seemed inconsequential at the moment.

A foot nudged his leg gently and he yawned, kicked back absently - almost instinctively - before his mind floated into coherency.

The hum of sound ringing in his ears meant he should be invisible.

So why was someone kicking him...?

Naruto's eyes flew open and he started, drawing all his limbs close to his body as he caught sight of the pale white legs before him like two albino tree trunks.

Sasuke towered over him, staring down, his eyes unfocused, with a scrutinizing expression on his face. It was almost endearing. In fact, Naruto probably would have smiled at how confused Sasuke looked, had he any feelings other than hate for the asshole.

Smirking because Sasuke couldn't see him, Naruto stood, enlisting his ninja sneaky skills to keep as quiet as possible. Sasuke's eyes followed his movements, though his eyes weren't trained on Naruto's face. The blonde turned a bright red and followed Sasuke's gaze to see the boy was staring at his – his blush deepened – family jewels.

"Pervert!" Naruto yelled, his hands moving to cover his penis as his face adopted a look of scandal. "Fucking, asshole, bastard, lame, disgusting...pervert!"

As Naruto yelled his mind at Sasuke, he thought wistfully of how much more interesting the conversation would be could the other party actually hear him. "Asshole," he muttered again dejectedly and considered kicking the boy for good measure. The dark-haired boy's deep red eyes were still locked onto Naruto's private parts, which unnerved him and made his stomach swell heatedly in a way that made him even more uncomfortable.

He thought of what Sasuke might do to him if he could really see Naruto, and felt his cheeks heat. A small, miniscule, pretty much nonexistent part of him thought that Sasuke would kiss him. The fact that he wouldn't mind if that happened made him feel he was a pervert almost equal to Sasuke...who was still staring at his crotch with drawn eyebrows and a contemplative frown.

"I'm up here," Naruto grumbled darkly. He couldn't help remembering a lecture he'd received once on subconscious actions and people doing things instinctually. Shaking his head, Naruto started towards the tent to check on Sakura. She was his priority. Unlike a certain bastard, she'd been there for Naruto when times had been at their toughest.

Sasuke's deep red gaze followed him as he walked and Naruto couldn't help but listen the boy's overly loud and confused thought. 'When I find Naruto he's going to have to do a lot of explaining.' The thought seemed so apathetic, and Naruto couldn't help but turn around and snort at the Uchiha.

Sasuke's eyes were still trained on him as Naruto retorted, "When I return, I'm not saying a fucking word to you, let alone explaining myself."

Sakura's tent had a distinctly flowery smell, Naruto noted as he crawled through the back flap to check on the girl. It was cool and the earth was soft and there was a pile of green blankets where Sakura was. Naruto's breath caught as he saw her lying on her back in her sleeping bag, one hand over her stomach protectively and a serene expression on her face.

Her thoughts whirled around the enclosed space, slow enough to register but too fast to understand. The boy sat next to her and swallowed, his eyes wincing against the emotion that was welling within them. He'd never been one to cry and he doubted he would start now, but... He thought of how faithful she'd been to him.

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