Part 5

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Waking up to see a red world and knowing the reasoning for said wash of colour was a relief when the last few weeks had been spent in anxious oblivion.

Naruto had opened his eyes that morning and known almost instantaneously that he could do whatever he pleased and no one would be able to stop him let alone blame him. It was impossible to be held responsible for something when no one had any proof, after all.

Naturally, Naruto had decided that he would have to use this newfound power to generate chaos, disorder, and just stir shit in general, which brought him to his current location.

A grin broke through his transparent features as the blonde approached a walkway lined with thriving dragon snaps. The plants were explosive in their wide array of colours - like fireworks - and they set Naruto's mind onto a train of devilish thoughts.

If he was going to stir a pot, it had to be Sasuke's.


The invisible ninja continued around the side of the Uchiha's house - even he wasn't stupid enough to sneak in through a trained shinobi's front door - and found an open window. The curtains on the inside of the pane rustled in a cream swirl under the wind's influence.

Not bothering to contemplate the pure happenstance that Sasuke's window would be open, Naruto skillfully crawled through the deceivingly large space and found himself seated on a white counter. He stared at the pristine surface for a moment, wincing when he saw flecks of dirt where he previously sat.

As quietly as possible, Naruto swiped an invisible hand over the dust, brushing it to the floor where it scattered to a less noticeable mess.

"Sasuke really needs to get out more..." the boy muttered under his breath and silently jumped from the counter, landing with a tiny smack of sandals on hardwood. With any luck, Sasuke would still be fast asleep.

Naruto chuckled evilly under his breath and began to surreptitiously tiptoe through the kitchen, eyes and ears perked and alert for any trace of sound or movement. He stopped at the entryway to the kitchen, coming to a crossroad of sorts where two hallways intersected.

The boy's face scrunched up thoughtfully, his eyes narrowing and his lips pursing into what could only be described as a contemplative pout, as he considered his options. Each hall had a smattering of doors lining the walls, but only one carried the soft sound of strangled snores.

Lips peeling back into a predatory grin that screamed trouble, Naruto continued his furtive dance down the hall. The heels of his feet were raised from the floor and his shoulders were hunched forward to accommodate the way his hands flopped before his chest. This position, eerily similar to that of a hunchback kangaroo, was what the blonde ninja liked to call his 'sneaky stance'. He wanted to chuckle, but supposed that would be an unwise decision, should he suddenly lose his cover of invisibility.

So, it was with his tongue firmly clamped between his teeth to keep from making any sound that Naruto slid into Sasuke's room, a crazy glint in his eyes and a wild grin on his face. Soft pattering accompanied his steps as he tiptoed towards the sleeping boy.

Sasuke asleep was nearly endearing, Naruto observed as he shoved his hand into his pocket and began to dig around absently. Dark hair fell over the sleeping boy's cheeks and framed the slightly parted line of his lips. Quick, tiny breaths leaked from his limp body and the occasional light snore escaped his nose.

Naruto was perilously close to making cute cooing noises when his fingers wrapped around the item in his pocket, at which point his features smoothed into a conniving grin. Carefully, the boy pulled a thick black permanent marker from his pocket and removed the cap with a barely audible click.

That Damned Raven Haired Boy (SasuNaru)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя