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Rania was hyperventilating,she had been running for far too long,she halted and try to take deep breaths,when she felt something against her head,and as she turned around she saw him,he smiled menacingly and said
" There is no point in running away Miss Conwell if you want to stay alive,you will follow me like a good daddy's girl you are".

Her eyes were brimming with tears,but with the gun on her head she could hardly do anything,she followed him and he lead her towards,the car and pointed her to sit on the backseat, and he sat with her his gun not shifting an inch,the car's ignition started and he said,looking at her
"You really shouldn't have worn that red lipstick that day that's what grabbed my attention".

After a long pause,'You really are what they said,'she replied and looked away.

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