Frigid Confrontation

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Frigid Confrontation

April 6, 2010

"Naruto, I understand, and I share your concern, but unfortunately I can't send you to Suna right now," Kakashi murmured, "We're short handed as is and with you gone it'd be the equivalence of losing a full team. I'm sorry Naruto, Kurama, but I need you here."

'He's right.' Kurama rumbled within the confines of his head, 'Let it go, Naruto.'

Blonde brows drew down in frustration. Naruto crossed the small distance between him and broad oak desk, hands slapping onto the hard surface as he leaned forward.

"So we're just gonna leave him out there and not even try and find him?"

"Hold on a second," his former teacher said, "That's not what I said. We can't afford to send you but that doesn't mean we won't send someone to investigate."

Slightly mollified, the disgruntled jonin straightened, folding his arms over his chest.

"Since the conclusion of the war, the Five Great Nations, along side a number of others, have agreed to disband the practice of capture the bijuu, however, the temptation of their power cannot be over looked."

Reaching for a short stack of papers next to him, Kakashi pushed them over to the younger nin. Naruto picked up the documents, blue orbs moving silently over the pages as the Hokage spoke again.

"We've kept tabs on the bijuu and have already received reports from Suna about the disappearance. After the war, Shukaku settled in a desert not far from Sunagakure. The people and bijuu have lived in peace since the move, however, several days ago Shukaku began behaving strangely," he explained, "He wandered through a few villages, tearing down buildings and injuring citizens. The immediate conclusion was that he'd gone back to his destructive waves, but after the victims were interviewed by Suna shinobi it was discovered that Shukaku hadn't gone after a single person."

Worry unfurled as Naruto turned the page and continued reading.

"They described him as unresponsive and unaware of his surroundings, moving as if in a trance. The buildings he smashed, the people he hurt just happened to be in the way. A few villagers followed him but were forced to end the pursuit when he crossed into what's known as the Desert of No Return. The Land of Wind has long since forbidden entry into that desert because those that go in, don't come out. They stood watch at the boundary until he disappeared."

Naruto sat the papers back on the desk.

"Even if I could afford to send you," Hatake continued, "It's still not a viable solution."

"So how can we send someone to investigate if we can't go in, 'ttebayo?"

"Shino has already been dispatched to Suna. His insects may be able to survive in the tough conditions of the desert and shed some light on Shukaku's disappearance."

"Shino?" Naruto repeated, face lined with confusion, "I thought he was going to switch over to the academy."

"He's postponed his transition until the country returns to some state of normality."

A level of tension left Naruto's shoulders. He would rather go himself, but at least it was something.

It wasn't going to just be swept under the rug.

Kakashi sat forward in his chair.

"Naruto, we're going to do everything we can to find out what happened to Shukaku, but I need you to focus on what's here in front of you. As soon as I have more information, you'll be the first to know. Deal?"

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