
382 19 50

Chapter Forty-Five


May 13, 2010

Naruto rolled over, yawning quietly as he did. Drowsy, his tender blue orbs opened. Sunlight streamed through the blinds, stinging his throbbing eyes and irritating him in the process. He gave them a rub, then glanced at the woman sleeping soundly next to him. The sheer negligee was pushed up over her plump bottom, leaving her pale skin and boundless curves naked to his hungry gaze. His head was hurting, and his body held a couple twinges, even so, the contemplating blonde was tempted to ignore his discomfort and soothe his hurts in the healing heat between her thighs. Had this been any other morning after a night of excess, he'd have done just that, hangover and all, however, as he much as he wanted to rouse her, there were more important things he needed to do that superseded his desire to assuage his carnal craving.

Glum, he reached out, slid the sheet over her before rising and trudging into the bathroom.

He gave himself a once over in the mirror.

His cheek was bruised, there was a cut over his right eyebrow, his bottom lip was slightly swollen and a big bruise had bloomed along the left side of his ribs.

She'd know the moment she saw him that he'd been in a fight.

And the moment she did, he'd have a million questions tossed at him about it, inquires that he refused to flat out lie about.

He rubbed his aching forehead.

He couldn't tell her what had transpired last night, and to be honest, he didn't want to tell her.

How the hell could he?

He wasn't afraid she'd call off the wedding and go running to Kiba. The very idea was laughable, no matter what man he placed in that scenario. Kiba, Adonis, God himself, Hinata wouldn't look twice, they'd be as interesting as dust particles to his Princess.

No, what he wanted to avoid was the scenario the Inuzuka feared his confession would result in.

Ruining her relationship with her close friend and teammate. Without a doubt, Naruto knew she wouldn't take the news well. Sweetheart that she was, Hinata wouldn't make the Inuzuka feel bad or even cut off their friendship due to his feelings, however, she'd feel...uncomfortable. Unsure and hesitant as to how she should behave towards him now that she knew. Even if she tried her best to pretend as though nothing had changed between them, her tiptoeing and unease would create tension and strain despite her efforts, and that was just accounting for her nature and temperament. Factoring in Kiba's volatile personality into the was a recipe for disaster.

His sensitive fiancée would even feel guilty that she hadn't known all this time, the way Naruto had felt guilty for not realizing her feelings.

He didn't want that for her.

He didn't want her to worry.

Keeping his...situation quiet was probably for the best...

A grimace crossed his face.

Making that call, however, was a problem in and of itself.

He'd essentially be keeping a secret from her, and he had never done that since they'd become a couple. Not once. They told each other everything. They shared everything, but in this situation, was it wrong for him to keep his mouth shut? Protecting her feelings...he'd do anything to shield her from emotional hurts, but was silence about this out of line?

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