35: Join you where?

Start from the beginning

She asked me to grab my toiletries and a towel and dragged me towards the bathroom where we took a shower.

Once back in our dorm room, she shooed me away in the direction of my wardrobe to pick out an outfit for the party.

I wasn't really in mood and I stretched my hand to grab the first thing I saw that was a grey sweatshirt but my hand froze in the mid way when my phone went off.

Hansita was busy singing as she rummaged her wardrobe in her bathrobe.

I walked towards my bed where my phone lay blaring non stop. I picked the call up. "Hey, Amy."

"Hi, Rosie. I just called to make sure you're still coming." Amelia's voice rang with uncertainty but I didn't know what to say to her because in order to say something back I should know what she was talking about which didn't have any clue about. "Hannah and I will also be there." She went on to say which confused me more.

"Okayyyy." I said slowly dragging the letter y, confusion clear in my voice.

I heard a gasp from Amelia. "You can't bail out now. Kyle had already informed you about it and-"

"Wait, wait, hold up."

Hansita turned towards me curiously with some clothes draped over her arm. I shrugged at her and focused on my phone call.

I remember Kyle calling me before I drifted off to sleep but I don't remember our conversation. It felt like I was on drug, more like sleep drug when I talked to him over the phone.

"You have to come." I heard Amelia say, finality ringing in her voice.

"Okay I will come. But where?" I asked stupidly.

"To party. Kyle didn't tell you? He said he talked to you about it." Amelia sounded confused.

My eyebrows shot high up in the air at what she said. That's when it clicked, everything came back to me, what Kyle and I had talked about over the phone. He said he'd come and pick me up at seven and I agreed.

But I agreed with Hansita too. Uh oh.

"He called me. Yeah, we talked about it. He said he will come and pick me up at seven." I mumbled avoiding Hansita's curious glance.

I have to ditch someone and I know who I was going to. I already feel bad.

"Oh okay, we will meet you both there then." Amelia sounded relief and we hang up.

I checked the time, it was six.

One hour until Kyle would come and pick me up.

"What was that about?" Hansita asked, she was trying on a brown dress, It didn't suit her and she didn't look like she like it too.

I smiled at her sheepishly and she studied me for a second before realisation crossed her features. "You're going to ditch me?" It was more of a statement than a question. She was too smart for her own good.

I smiled apologetically at her. "Apparently, I promised Kyle to accompany him to a party."

I received a nasty glare from Hansita but she nodded in understanding nonetheless. "Fine, you deal breaker."

"I am sorry." I pouted at her and gave her my best puppy dog eyes. I felt guilty for bailing out on her when I had agreed to go with her.

"It's fine." She waved it off. "Anyway, who's party are you going too?" She asked cocking her head at me.

I shrugged carelessly before replying her. "I remember Kyle telling me about a party at the frat house." I said furrowing my eyebrows remembering our phone call and what we talked about. He didn't say much just where the party was and to pick me up at seven.

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