III. We Are Here

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"We're here," was all Tommy said, it was all he needed to say. Each year the factions take turns hosting the games. This year it was Dauntless- we are so dead. The train started to slow, "are you ready?" Luke asked.

"For what?" I ask, sharing a nervous look with Tommy.

"You're jumping in 3, 2, 1 GO!" Luke shouted. I looked down, easily a fifty meter drop. I took a big breath  so what if I miss, I'm gonna die anyway. Soon my feet were no longer on the train, I was in the cool summer air. Crunch. My feet hit the hard gravel, making my knees buckle under my weight. I tumbled forward with so much force I bowled Luke over.

"Oi watch it Stiff," he said, standing up and dusting himself off. I looked around for Tommy but I was blinded by the rays of the afternoon sun. We were on what I can only assume is a roof covered in gravel. A small brick wall about half a meter high- if that- blocks us in. A massive hole is in the middle of the roof, lying next to it is Tommy. I ran over to him.

"Tommy are you okay?" I asked helping him up.

"I'm fine, stop treating me like a baby!" He said, angrily pushing me away.

"Okay once you two stop acting like children, I recommend jumping through that hole rather quickly," Luke announced.

"Huh? Why?" I questioned.

"Because, Stiff, look around, can't you see the sun is setting? That means its gonna be night time soon and you know what that means? No dinner for you. Now if I were you I would be getting my sorry butt down that hole before you starve, there's enough time for that in the games."

With that Tommy looked down the hole and jumped.

"Tommy wait!" I yelled but I was too late, "How do I know its safe?" I ask.

"Well you're gonna have to trust me on this one like your brother aren't ya?" Luke replied.

I took a deep breath. Then another. Three steps and I was at the edge of the hole. Another deep breath.

"Don't have all day Stiff!" Luke shouted.

I jumped. Now if you like free falling presumably to your death then you'll love this. Pitch black, wind gushing through your hair, not knowing when this will end or if you'll survive. I ricocheted up into the air and back down again, up and down. I landed on a massive rope net. I looked around, taken back to see so many faces.

"Took ya time Stiff," a boy near the front said as he offered me his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me off the net just in time as Luke hit the net right where I was. He climbed out and lead Tommy and me away from the staring eyes and net.

"This is the Chasm," Luke said concluding our tour, "if there is anything you need, you know where to find me. Training starts tomorrow, meet me here at 5 or don't bother." With that he walked away.

Tommy and I found our way to the dining hall. Tables were lined up in no apparent order, all mostly full. The room was exploding with noise, everyone shouting to be heard over the person next to them.

"Tributes over there," a girl pointed to the table in the far corner with only a few kids sitting at it. We quietly thanked her and walked over.

 All ten eyes looked up as we approached the table. A boy from Candor stood up.

"Hello, I'm Dan and this is Stephanie," he said gesturing towards the brunette girl who was sitting next to him, "this is Drew and Annie from Amity, Cedric and Lucy from Erudite and from Dauntless Andrew and Camilla."  Everyone waved as their name was called.

"Hi, I'm Hailey and this is Tom," I said, sitting down next to Annie.

Everyone went back to the topics they were talking about before Tommy and I arrived. I looked around, observing the other tributes and analyzing whether they would become allies or enemies. Annie has vibrant blonde hair pulled in two piggy tails at each side of her head, reaching lower than her shoulders. Her face is covered in freckles and her bright green eyes bounce around the peoples faces as she talks, her hands flying around the air in front of her, dancing. Drew is listening to Annie talk whilst picking at his food. He has brown wavy hair and blue eyes. He doesn't make eye contact with anyone and appears to be about fourteen. Lucy leans forward in her seat, eagerly listening to Annie, her long brown hair covering her face only showing the brim of her glasses that all people from Erudite wear. Next to her Cedric is writing in his notebook, his green eyes moving across the page. Andrew and Camilla sit as far away from everyone as possible, having a confidential conversation it seems. Dan is having a debate with Stephanie about the chances that one of them will be victorious.

"Attention everyone!" A voice booms over the noise in the hall, "there has been some changes to this years game. I'm sorry to announce that Dauntless headquarters won't be the only influence in the games. Every faction will put in and create the games."

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