II. The Train Ride

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When I wake up I realize that this isn't a dream, that Tommy and I have been chosen to participate in the games. I wonder what mum is doing then I realized I should be focusing on things that are happening right now. I take in my surroundings. I am alone in a small room, white walls, grey carpet. There is a bench against one wall and a small window not much bigger than my head on the other. I walk over and take a look. All I can see is a green blur. Weird. I sit down on the bench only to fall off after the room shakes. Where am I? I decide to remain sitting on the floor after many attempts of sitting on the bench. slowly I lose myself to my thoughts.

After a while a door that blends in perfectly with the wall slides open to reveal the dauntless man who announced the reaping. He stands there looking at me sitting on the floor.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"I should be the one asking that," he replies. He steps forward and the door slides closed behind him.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"You're on a train heading towards the abandoned section where you will prepare for the games. I will act as your mentor whilst your training as there has been no abnegation victors, but I'm afraid I cannot help once you are in the games. My name is Luke," he says extending a hand. I cautiously shake it knowing the dauntless reputation for tricks.

"Where is my brother, Luke?"

"Ah him. Well you see he is quite difficult, unlike you we had to knock him out."

"YOU WHAT?" I screamed, "HOW DARE YOU LAY ONE FILTHY HAND ON MY BROTHER! YOU MONSTER, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO HURT HIM OR EVEN TOUCH HIM FOR THAT MATTER! YOU FILTHY, DIRTY PANSYCAKE!!" my hands curled into fists and before I realized what was happening my fist flew towards his face.

"Not so fast sweetheart," he said easily catching my fist, "we didn't physically knock him out, we used a remedy from amity that makes him peaceful and he fell asleep. You know you sure are violent for an Abnegation, might be in with a chance this year."

"Oh," I said feeling like a complete idiot, "so what happens next?" I ask

"You train. I will help of course but as you can probably tell I'm only good at fighting, not so good at the other stuff."

"How long until we get there?"

"A few hours."

"Can I see my brother?"

"He is still asleep at the moment but when he wakes you can speak to him,"

"Why am I in this room? As the stories go, the train ride is meant to be the best part."

"Oh it is, don't worry sweetheart," he motioned towards the door with his hand and it slid open revealing the most beautiful room I have ever seen. The walls were painted a pastel blue and the floor was covered in polished wood. Along one wall was a couch and chairs that looked as if you would sink to the floor if you sat on it. A table and chairs stretched across the middle of the room covered in every food you could possibly imagine. The room appeared to go on forever by the illusion from the mirrors that extended from to floor to the ceiling of the back wall. I was taken aback from my reflection. Tear stains on my cheeks, puffy green eyes, my brown hair falling out of its bun, my clothes, as usual one size to big.

"It amuses me every time the Abnegation's faces when they see the mirrors," Luke said with a chuckle.

Luke and I sat in adjacent chairs for a long time, staring out into space, both lost in our own thoughts.

After an hour Tommy came out, looking relieved to see me. Luke went through the speech he gave me earlier, answering all Tommy's questions. Tommy seemed more relaxed now that he knew what was happening.

"So do you know what we have to do in the games this year?" I ask Luke hoping he could tell us exactly what we were facing.

A dark look crossed his face before he masked it with his signature blank face. "Unfortunately no, sorry Hailey."

"It's ok," I reply, clearly disappointed.

Tommy goes back to the room he was in before saying that he needs a minute, which just leaves Luke and me again.

"Look Hailey," Luke says, checking to make sure Tommy's out of ear shot before leaning closer, "Its true I don't know what's happening this year but all I know is its big. Not just in size but in the events. Something's up with the game makers, a violent streak. They are going to make this year excruciatingly hard on you. I believe they are trying to find Divergent's. They are people who don't fit into one faction, they have multiple strengths. Now I don't know if you are one or if Tommy is but I know something bad is going to happen. I heard some of their conversation before I got to the reaping and they were saying that this will be the most dangerous one yet and that it will make the people fear the games more than they already do. So just be prepared for anything."

"What? But-" I was cut off by the sliding door. Tommy came in with a worried look.

"We're here."

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