"That's No Way to Speak to Your Mother"

Start from the beginning

"We need you to work on a system reboot, of sorts," General Leia added. "The way you did with this ship, in getting it back online again, so we can acquire some vessels."

"Different ships will have different security," Hux said. "I'll need a full report on the likelihood of salvaging particular ships. I'll send you the specific ones we're hoping to acquire from them."

"Understood," Phasma said.

Rey turned in her chair and looked up at Poe. She set her hand on the back of the seat, inadvertently brushing his hand with hers. Poe stepped back, his pulse racing again. She looked like she was about to tell him something, but General Leia dismissed the meeting and everyone got up and started talking at the same time. Rey got up too. Poe saw that the General was gathering her things to leave.

"I need to go talk to the General," Poe said to Rey, his mind already racing with the details of this upcoming mission. He would have to hold another meeting with his new flight crew, to discuss strategies. Rey nodded and Poe hesitated for a moment, before walking off. He could tell she wanted to talk to him too. But they'd need a quiet place and more time, to have that kind of discussion. He set a hand on her shoulder, hoping to reassure her in some small way.

"Which General do you have to talk to?" she asked him.

"The one who was obviously leading this meeting," he said, giving her a wink. Then he let go of her shoulder and headed to the front, pushing past some Rebel leaders who were talking about weapons and hurrying towards General Leia.

"Poe!" she said when she saw him. "I was getting worried we'd lost you, when I didn't see you at this meeting, at first. Tell me, have we heard anything from Finn or Rose?" Leia's expression turned serious. "There's a new Ruling Order station in the Otomok System, where they were headed, in that unstable hunk of junk."

"The Falcon's a legend," Poe said, trying to keep the General from worrying. "It can survive anything. Are you thinking a rescue mission?"

General Leia smiled at him. "You read my mind."



"You had the meeting, without me?" Kylo Ren said in a calm voice.

Hux recognized that tone. It was the calm before the storm. His heart raced, even though he knew he wasn't defenseless anymore. He had power now.

Kylo made an abrupt turn and Hux jumped, then frowned. Old habits died hard, apparently. Kylo began to pace again and Hux braced himself for the inevitable fit of rage; the yelling and the Force choke that were sure to come. But Kylo only continued to pace, which was somehow even more unnerving.

"We need to defeat this enemy," he said. Hux wasn't sure if he meant the Resistance or the Ruling Order. Or both. But he didn't ask. "Once the Ruling Order Army is destroyed," Kylo continued. "We'll finish off the Resistance, too."

Hux cleared his throat. "It's their Command Stations that we need to destroy, not their droid army."

Kylo stopped pacing and glared at him. "And the girl, is my prisoner. She's not to be let out."

Hux raised an eyebrow at the sudden change of topic. He held his tongue, though. Now didn't seem like the right time to tell Ren that Rey was out and about, even attending the end of their meeting not long ago. Kylo would find out soon enough.

"Go, find Phasma and send her to me," Kylo commanded. Hux clenched his jaw, hesitating.

"Now!" Kylo yelled.

Hux nodded and turned to leave.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Kylo said from behind him.

Hux's back stiffened and he stopped walking.

"Yes... Your Supreme Leadership," he managed, through clenched teeth. His powers were his secret weapon for now. He would wait for the right moment to use them. Plus, he still didn't know exactly how strong he was. Just then, General Leia stepped into the room.

"Oh, good," she said. "You're both here." She looked at Ren and her eyes filled with emotion. "Ben..."

"Leave," Ren said abruptly, turning his back to her.

"I have news from-"

"Get out!" Kylo's lightsaber was suddenly in his hand, the red blade pointed in his mother's direction. She wasn't close enough to be in any danger but Hux stepped in front of her nevertheless. Kylo's fierce gaze turned to him.

"Get out of my way," he spat.

"That's no way to speak to you mother," Hux said calmly.

Kylo raised his free hand and grabbed Hux in a Force hold. Hux immediately retaliated and put Kylo in a choke hold, which earned him a satisfying look of shock from his Supreme Leader.

Kylo's hold released and he reached up to his neck, as though to remove the invisible hands around it. Hux's heart hammered in his chest. He'd waited so long for this moment and yet it didn't give him the satisfaction he'd thought it would.

"That's enough, boys," General Organa said. Hux immediately released Ren and stepped away from the General. His hands trembled, and he quickly set them behind his back.

"Hux," the General said to him. "I'd like to speak to my son alone, if you don't mind."

"Of course," Hux said, then turned to leave.


Author's Note: Hi guys, I know I said like 2 weeks ago that I'd post a chapter called 'Tainted Love 2'. I haven't forgotten! Just haven't reached a chapter yet which would be worthy of that title! When one comes up, you'll know by the title ^_^ . See you guys again in a few days <3

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