Chapter 15: Roxanne

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"Don't apologize," I whispered.

"It's my fault that I got Niall and-"

I knew what he was going to say and I couldn't let him think that way. "Even if you didn't push us together, we still would've found a way to each other," I said softly.

A knock on the door disturbed us. A tall dirty blonde stood next to Liam. Harry shook his hand, "Sorry to bother you, Xander, but I was wondering if you can help out."

"What's up?"

Harry gestured over to me. "My sister, Roxanne, has a fear of hospitals. She doesn't want to get treated, so I was wondering if you could help. She has a few gashes on her hands and some have glass shards in them. Can you help?"

Xander nodded, "Let's get her to the kitchen."

We all walked into the kitchen and I sat down. Xander grabbed a large trash bag and placed it on the table. He left for a few minutes and came back with an extension cord and a desk lamp. Before he got to work, he turned on the desk lamp, angled it to my arms, washed his hands, opened a black satchel, slipped on surgical gloves, and a few tools.

"Can you give me a bowl and fill it up with a little bit of water?" Xander asked. Harry nodded and grabbed a bowl filled with water and set it on the table. Right away, Xander got to work. He used tweezers to pluck out the glass shards and placed them into the bowl.

Mercedes was sitting next to me, rubbing my back and playing with my hair as Harry watched. Zayn came in and sat with us for a little bit.

"So, Niall is passed out in the room. He's probably going to have a hangover tomorrow. You bruised his face pretty bad, Harry."

"Good," he grumbled.

Mercedes asked, "How's Perrie?"

"She's passed out on my bed." Zayn looked at me, "How are you doing?"

I shrugged, "Tired and a little bit hungry. Can you tell Liam I'm sorry?"

"For what?" Liam asked, coming into the kitchen.

"For what happened between Niall and you," I answered. "I didn't want that to happen."

"I'm not blaming you for that. It's Niall's fault that he's an idiot. He's going to regret it in the morning."

I looked at Harry, "Are you going to forgive him?"

"Do you want me to?"

I nodded, "Even though he hurt me, it wasn't intentional. I'm not going to hate him for that and you shouldn't either."

Harry sighed, "I'll see if my mood changes in the morning."

Once Xander was done removing the glass from the wounds, he cleaned them, and wrapped them up. He mostly covered up my right palm and I had a few bandages on my fingers and wrists. He was skeptical about removing all of the glasses and suggested I go to the hospital, but I refused. Afterward, Harry dropped off Mercedes and me. I made grilled cheese for us. We sat down on the couch and decided to watch "Friends" until we fell asleep. The thing is, that show could never make us fall asleep.

"How are your hands feeling?" Mercedes asked me.

"It feels really hot," I said, touching my skin under the gauze. "I hate it."

Mercedes set her plate down and drank some water. "I'm curious. Why did you decide to lie to Niall about your phone being broken? Were you trying to stay away from him again?"

I nodded, trying to focus on the TV.

"Why? What was the point of you doing that?"

I sighed and looked at Mercedes, "You know why."

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