Chapter 8

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Bens POV:

"It really actually makes perfect sense." said Zoe, " He is exactly like Murry." Erica nodded and said " I got some intel on the flash drive, but not much. All I know is he is working for SPYDER, and he is in on whatever they are plotting on the president." Cyrus was listening to us while looking threw the files  that Erica got. " I think it is best that everyone just goes back to their rooms. If we find anything out, we will let you guys know." Everyone seemed a bit annoyed that they couldn't help, but we all obediently got up and left the room. Zoe and Erica went inside their rooms without a single word to any of us. "Any idea what that was all about?" asked Mike. "Probably doing girl stuff like hair and makeup." said Chip sarcastically. Hank, Jawa, and Chip all slipped into their rooms, which left me and Mike alone in the hallway. "any ideas of what we should do?" shrugged and simply walked back to our room.

Ericas POV:

When me and Zoe reached our room, we both flopped onto our beds. I think we were both just mentally exhausted. After  a few minutes of silence, Zoe sat up. "Erica?" "Yes?" I replied. "I know your the ice queen and all, but do you like Ben?" This question kind took me by shock. I thought about it for a moment but said "No." "Oh." said Zoe, " I was just trying to make conversation like a teenage girl for once." Erica looked at me for the first time since this conversation started "I understand. I've never had a "girl talk" before, other than the time on the ski lift." Zoe smiled "Yeah I remember that. What was your favorite part of that trip?" Zoe asked. I blushed a little, remembering when me and Ben kissed, and I honestly wanted to tell Zoe. "Zoe.... I am about to tell you something very secretive, and if you tell anyone I will find you and kill you." I knew she wouldn't, because she was the closest thing I had to a girl " best friend". " I swear I won't Erica.  You can trust me."I pursed my lips. "Me and Ben kissed on the moutian when the nuclear bomb was about to explode." Zoe's face lit up. "Omg Erica! Thats so cool!" I smiled only for a split second before returning to my icy self. "We better get to sleep" I said, " I think we are going to have a long day at the beach  tomorrow."

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