Chapter 1

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Bens POV:

I thought that maybe, just maybe I would get a normal spring break. Me and Mike were going to meet up at FunLand to hang out. As I was exiting the spy school grounds, my watch buzzed. A text from Zoe. 

Zoe: Ben, meet me in my room ASAP!

Ben (me): whats wrong???

Zoe: we'll talk later, JUST GET UP HERE!

Ben (me): okay I'm on my way.

I rushed up to Zoe room to find Mike , Chip, Jawa, and Zoe all sitting in chairs while Erica was pacing around. I look at Zoe and ask " Whats going on?". From the look of concern on everyones faces I can tell  Something  was up. Zoe looks at me with fear in her eyes, "Ben SPY-" but she was cutoff by Erica who explains " Ben, do you remember the time you went to the White House for a mission, and you found out that Jason Stern and his family are planing to go to go to Florida?" "Er...Yes" I reply. "The CIA has picked up Intel that SPYDER is planning to assassinate him and his family".  "Uhh, so what do we have do do with this?"  Erica looks at me, clearly annoyed, with her icy blue eyes and replied, " We are going to stop them."

Mike, clearly thrilled that we get to spend our spring break in Florida jumps up and says " We need to start packing!!! I need to bring a swimsuit, money, and oh! There will be beach babes there too! Could this spring break get any better!?!" He quickly runs to the door and leaves Zoe room. Erica looks at us with a stone cold expression. "This is a mission, not a vacation. We will be working , not playing at the beach. This is an extremely dangerous mission. The presidents life is in danger. If any of you are not willing to stay focused or be fully work related, I can easily replace you. This is a serious mission. We are leaving for Florida  at 0900 hours tomorrow." And with that, she left. 

So much for my normal spring break.

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