Scene 14 - Bike shop (2 weeks later)

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Jimmy – (on the cell phone behind the shed) Oh I you really want to continue this way....I am not going to wait for know how I feel. So you don't want to reconsider.....okay I understand....good luck and good bye.

Jamie – (walking behind to shed to tell Jimmy he has customers and she notices that he is sobbing) Jimmy are you okay (Jimmy grabs Jamie into his large arms and hold her tightly while sobbing silently) (Oh I guess Christine is finally completely over. Jimmy has been madly in love with her since forever. I guess he had decided to give up on her completely. I don't now how she could possibly let this sweet smelling beautiful man go. If he was ever mine I would never let him go) Jimmy loosening his hug on Jamie and while pulling away looks deep into her eyes and pulls her in for a passionate kiss.) (oh my what just happened why am I kissing Jimmy? Why am I not pulling away? What is wrong with me? How could I be doing this to Ren?) [Just then Rio drives up on the side street and sees Jamie and Jimmy behind the shed

Rio –( honking his horn he calls out to Jamie) Jamie...Jamie..come here

Jamie – (pulling away from Jimmy's lips Jamie staggers over to Rios car). Hi Rio

Rio – Hi Jamie...we need to talk...what time do you get off from work?

Jamie – 6 pm

Rio – I will pick you up at 6 pm be here we need to talk. Ren

Jimmy - (now walking towards Rios car he calls out to Jamie) Hey Jamie are you okay?

Rio – I will see you later (and drives off)

Jimmy – who was that guy?

Jamie – He's a friend of a friend.

Jimmy – what does he want? He didn't look that happy. Do you need me to do anything?

Jamie (turning to jimmy) No...I think you did enough already. (Jamie turns and heads back to the shed)

Jimmy – Jamie ...I am so sorry...I don't know what came over me...I am sorry.

Jamie – Jimmy don't worry about is just a simple misunderstanding

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