Scene 10 - Jamie's house

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Ren – standing outside next to the car) thanks again for coming with us I think my parents will be very happy with the gift you helped pick out.

Jamie – No problem I am really glade you asked me to come. I got to spend some nice quality time with you. (bending over to look into the car) Rio it was really nice meeting you.

Rio – Nice to meet you to Jamie The three of us should go out again sometime.

Jamie – Ren will I see you tomorrow after class.

Ren – not tomorrow night I have a session with the study group.

Jamie – no problem just give me a call and don't worry I have my pone on ring and vibrate so that I can feel when you call if I am practicing.

Ren – That reminds me I want you to play something for me.

Jamie – Okay when I become better at playing.

Ren – (leans in for a kiss and Jamie reciprocates) Good night Jaime

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